3 Amba Boys killed in #Kumbo today 27 June 2019 – Click the link for Photos
MKPD> Today Thursday 27 June 2019, Three (3) Amba Boys were killed in #Kumbo. They died so that Ayaba Cho, Akwanga, Sako, etc could ride in nice Cars and live…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
MKPD> Today Thursday 27 June 2019, Three (3) Amba Boys were killed in #Kumbo. They died so that Ayaba Cho, Akwanga, Sako, etc could ride in nice Cars and live…
Hvrc # ops de ratissage engagée depuis ce matin sur plusieurs pistes diverses# bilan provisoire# niveau Bayelle A/O Lt chef détachement Bayele: 1 AMBAZONIEN neutralisé ,1 ak47 et deux chargeurs…
His name was Ichata Vanderama, 21 years old, the first son in a family of three. The parents were struggling farmers. We can’t confirm the real names of his father…
MKPD> earlier today, one of the vehicles of a mixed patrol military/police was destroyed by a blast from a locally fabricated Improvised Explosive device (IED). The IED device was fabricated…
Stubborn Amba boy killed today.. Don’t ask me more questions, because I don’t know more.. Very dull and stubborn children. Yeesh.
http://kontripipo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/YouCut_20190611_233904327.mp4 [infobox title=’AmbaBoys’]Is this how you want to end up? 🤔 You want to die like a FLY?[/infobox] The featured image is “Koraman” of Bali – NW Region of Cameroon.…
The truth is Bitter, but must be spoken. #BitterLeaf See.. Just this week, 49 Amba boys killed, and several wounded, many are eating Bush leaves as treatment 😔.. In just…
[dropcap style=’box’]W[/dropcap]hile AmbaFools on Facebook are fighting over impeachment and stupidness, 8 Amba boys killed today in Tan, in Bui. These thieves are busy fighting for power and position in…
MKPD> [dropcap style=’circle’]S[/dropcap]ee pictures below… Need I say more? 😔 This happened in Nkurt, today 10 Jun 2019. I don’t even know where Nkurt is 🤷🏾♂️. When will Amba boys…
MKPD – Wuna Listen.. This happened in Ekona SW Region of Cameroon – This weekend, 08/09 June 2019. My Commentary below.. Of the situation with Amba boys in the Videos…