Amba boys killed in Ngoketunjia on Christmas Eve
Pictures coming in from Ngoketunjia show several AmbaBoys killed on Christmas eve. When will these boys Listen? Drop those OLD dane Guns and come HOME!
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Pictures coming in from Ngoketunjia show several AmbaBoys killed on Christmas eve. When will these boys Listen? Drop those OLD dane Guns and come HOME!
Mark Bareta made an audio, calling for Tapang Ivo to be sacked as the spokesperson for ADF. Tapang Ivo responded to Mark Bareta.. Video below.. Wuna listen.. The Batibo Incident…
This video (below) has been circulating on social media. It shows Amba Boys torturing one of their victims in the most inhumane way. This is Ambazonia. This man is stripped…
Please see pictures of two Amba boys killed in Ekondo Titi, today, Saturday 22 Dec 2018. The military seem to be taking no break for Christmas. Amba boys.. Please drop…
This man, Ivo Mbah once said “No man born of a woman can kill me”.. The self-proclaimed “General” Ivo was killed on Fri 21 Dec 2018. Conspiracy theories began flying…
Wata na Wata. Where dem dey? Me I no di fear Army. General my ass. Those are just some of the taunts used to mock Amba boys in the video…
Just a couple of hours after we got confirmation from Kumba that General Ivo was killed, Ayaba Cho was on Facebook, saying.. You lost the bravest. General Efang replaces General…
General Ivo is Dead. See pictures.. Killed in Teke – Kumba, today Fri 21 Dec 2018. Story still developing… Reports coming in from eye witnesses on the ground say that these…
This shocking public indictment came on Eric Tataw’s, Facebook live broadcast, on 18 December 2018. The leader of The Sword of Ambazonia, who is commonly known as “Bell”, confirmed that…
This shocking public confession came on Eric Tataw’s, Facebook live broadcast, on 18 December 2018. The self-proclaimed “General” Nambere of the Ambazonia Security Council (ASC) confirmed that they are aware…