Stubborn Amba boy killed like a fly. Wasted life.
Stubborn Amba boy killed today.. Don’t ask me more questions, because I don’t know more.. Very dull and stubborn children. Yeesh.
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Stubborn Amba boy killed today.. Don’t ask me more questions, because I don’t know more.. Very dull and stubborn children. Yeesh.
Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dear members of the United Nations Security Council, Mr. President of the United States, Mr. President of the Republic of France, Mr. Prime Minister… [infobox title=’AmbaBoys’]Is this how you want to end up? 🤔 You want to die like a FLY?[/infobox] The featured image is “Koraman” of Bali – NW Region of Cameroon.…
The truth is Bitter, but must be spoken. #BitterLeaf See.. Just this week, 49 Amba boys killed, and several wounded, many are eating Bush leaves as treatment 😔.. In just…
Civilians and military activities organised in Apka Wum, NW Region of Cameroon 🇨🇲 with the Muslim Community after the recent inter Community clashes. The terrorists beheaders will Never be allowed…
His name is Nawaya Gillis. Recruited to Amba Terrorists at the age of 15. He’s now hooked on hard drugs including coccain and Tramadol. Part 2 below..
Ma Kontri Pipo Dem. Wuna Lookam Fine.. See These AmbaFools.. These Terrorists who are Terrorizing Pple Around Ndop Area. (The one with cigarette in the mouth is called Fokam Francis,…
[dropcap style=’box’]A[/dropcap]mbazonia Bobo sends a Message to Eric Tataw, aka Garri Master – Very Funny – Please.. Do not laugh alone.. Make sure you share.. There is TOTAL confusion in…
[dropcap style=’box’]W[/dropcap]hile AmbaFools on Facebook are fighting over impeachment and stupidness, 8 Amba boys killed today in Tan, in Bui. These thieves are busy fighting for power and position in…
[dropcap style=’circle’]T[/dropcap]he reality is finally hitting them. I have been telling them since 2018 that the end of Ambazonia is near, but they were too stupid, too wicked to hear,…