The Ndu Council (NW region of #Cameroon) continued distributing exercise books, school bags, writing material and much needed school materials to far away communities as far as #Sinna, #Ntantala, #Njimkang, #Mbarseh, Ndu and #Wowo. These pupils, teachers and administrators were grateful for the didactic gifts.

Ndu Council Distribute School materials to children, Nov 2022 -6 Ndu Council Distribute School materials to children, Nov 2022 -5 Ndu Council Distribute School materials to children, Nov 2022 -3 Ndu Council Distribute School materials to children, Nov 2022 -2 Ndu Council Distribute School materials to children, Nov 2022 -1
The Council has promised to continue by next week as some schools in the municipality opened their doors in November 2022 for the first time since Amba terrorists started targeting school children in 2017.
In most parts of the anglophone zone today, schools are operational. This was done without leveraging the territorial integrity of Cameroon. This was done through grassroot efforts, weeding out the amba terrorists and killing them, arresting them, or making it untenable for them to exist in the community, so they either disarmed, or escaped to Nigeria and other parts.
This is evidence that ambazonia terrorism will soon be a matter of the past. The rate at which the amba terrorists are being killed, captured, disarmed through the DDR and those who escape to Nigeria or francophone zone, indicates that in a few short years, amba terrorism will be a thing of the past.

Dialogue & grassroot community mobilisation is the essential component. Communities have embraced the national dialogue initiative and are now effectively negotiating amongst themselves how to best protect themselves from ambazonia terrorist atrocities. Dialogue includes sending a clear message to the terrorists that their atrocities will not be tolerated. Those who persist, face jungle justice. Examples we can cite include Essoh-Attah in #Lebialem where amba terrorists are huted by the villagers, caught and burried alive, #Oku in NW and Tombel in SW, where villagers took to the streets to publicly protested against amba atrocities.

In Bangem, Kupe Maunenguba, 08 November 2022, two amba terrorists were captured by the population and handed over to the Cameroon Forces of Defense and Security.
The Guardian post Daily newspaper wrote it on its front page headline No 2622, on 10 Nov 2022, as detailed below..
Population captures, hands two Amba terrorists to soldiers!
By Macwalter Njapteh ReforTwo notorious separatist terrorists have been captured & handed over to defence and security officers by the population of #Bangem, in Kupe-Muanenguba division, in the restive South West region.
it goes on to state that..Worth recalling is the fact that inhabitants of Babubock village and neighbouring communities have vowed to weed out Amba terrorists from their communities following an arson attack on their homes and buildings in February 2020.
The attack is said to have crippled the hitherto vibrant village. Inhabitants of Badun, Ndibsi, Eyandong, Ntale, Babubock, and Bambe villages, along the abandoned road, have been eager to see their footpaths turned to motorable roads. The locals have decided not to sympathise anyone trying to prevent the construction work from being executed.
The capture of the two separatist terrorists, by the population in Kupe-Muanenguba, comes after similar actions taken by inhabitants of many other villages in the conflict-hit Anglophone regions.
Most villages are beginning to take their destiny into their hands by weeding out the remaining pockets of separatist terrorists, masquerading as liberators, yet inflicting pain on innocent population.
Weeks back, some Ambazonia terrorists were caught, beaten and killed in Fontem subdivision, #Lebialem division of the South West region. The Amba terrorists were killed in an attempted to extort traders at a popular cocoa market in Essoh-Atta village.
Since the Anglophone crisis morphed into an armed conflict, the armed groups have habitually invaded markets to extort traders, especially cocoa dealers. It was alleged that the population of Essoh-Atta, after receiving tip off of a planned attack, galvanised themselves for a counter attack.
After showing up at the market, the terrorists were then ambushed by the irate population and beaten to death and buried. The amba terrorists were accused of being responsible for the killing of a commercial biker who helped in transporting the corpse of the self-styled separatist warlord, the late Oliver Lekeaka, also known as Field Marshal.
Similarly, the population of #Ebonji, in #Tombel subdivision, Kupe-Muanenguba division, had risen up against the atrocities of separatist terrorists in their village.
A video which went viral, showed the population marching through the village square, declaring an end to Amba activities while calling for more military presence.
Also, inhabitants of #Mbalangi, under #Mbonge subdivision; #Oku in #Bui division and #Balikumbat in #Ngoketunjia division, had also demonstrated their hatred for the separatist terrorist activities in their localities.
The Guardian Post Daily, 10 November 2022