BREAKING SWEET NEWS:: The population of Lebialem continues to protect their land. 5 ambaterrorists, 2 from the NW, 2 from Manyu and only ONE from Lebialem, have been captured by the population and Kumkumised without soup. These band of terrorists made it a habit at this peak cocoa season to systematically target and extort money from villagers, torture the population and collect the proceeds of cocoa sales. Today October 22 they met their doomsday as the population was waiting for them. The population is jubilating.
PS: Where is Oliver Lekeaka? Ayeke? Roma? Fonchinallah Vincent?

They usually crossed over from Etobang (Court Yard) in the Kupe Maneguba Division, to come and terrorise the population in Essoh-Attah in Lebialem, seize goods and money from the poor villagers. This time around (22 October 2022) they came and molested many, including women. They population, (mostly the youths), decided to go & fetch them from their hideout. They therefore crossed the river Besueh separating Lebialem and Kupe Maneguba, moved to Court Yard at Etobang and with the help of the local population, captured the six of them including two from the NW, two from Manyu, one from Mbo and one from Lebialem. The one from Lebialem happens to be the terrorist who led Oliver Lekeaka to come and massacre the three chiefs and a young man in Essoh-Attah. Our people have said, “Enough is Enough”. The angry population kumkumised 2 of the terrorists during the ambush, and rest who were captured, were burried alive. All 6 of them in One grave. Sometimes, when these terrorist murderers are captured and handed to the authorities, they get released to come back and continue terrorism. Kumkum is a permanent solution.
A Native from the Village speaking in a WhatsApp Group
Meanwhile in Kumba, the angry population captured the SNWL “general” Bao of Ekombe. He came into Kumba to transact, and the BlackLegs were waiting to pounce. Bao, was a notorious amba terrorist under “general” Divine during the early days in 2018 and when the Nigerian bandit “general” Ikeku killed Divine and Ikeku put Sam from commander to general, this terrorist joined “general Sam” in Small Ekombe.

[…] will not be tolerated. Those who persist, face jungle justice. Examples we can cite include Essoh-Attah in #Lebialem where amba terrorists are huted by the villagers, caught and burried alive, #Oku in NW and Tombel […]