TENNING Wilfred. The latest VICTIM of #Ambazonia #Terrorism
The latest Ambazonia Terrorist victim. Mr Wildlfred A. TENNING, a driver, born in 1974 was mercilessly butchered by Ambazonia Terrorists in Wum 11 Oct 2019. He was a former driver…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
The latest Ambazonia Terrorist victim. Mr Wildlfred A. TENNING, a driver, born in 1974 was mercilessly butchered by Ambazonia Terrorists in Wum 11 Oct 2019. He was a former driver…
Ma Florence Ayafor a prison Warder of the Bamenda Principal prison killing beheaded by Amba Terrorists in pinyin. This is the latest #Ambazonia Terrorism BEHEADING. She was a prison guard…
The stupidity of AmbaBoys can NEVER be overstated. This boy on the bed, NAKED, is obviously dying. This is the height of stupidity. The Amba Terrrists are killing themselves. Oh…
If this is not terrorism, Then what is it? They tortured the poor innocent woman. Then they buried her alive. In short, these boys in Batibo must never be pardoned,…
Cameroon Intelligence agency SEMIL successfully tracked and eliminated this Ambazonia Terrorist called “Boss Agaba”. SEMIL is headed by the much feard Colonel Joel Emile Bamkoui. The Terrorists belong to the…
It just happened this afternoon at muyuka to kumba road, at a village known as ngoudi Four Amba terrorists killed. Na wuna sabi. Just look at the dane guns they…
See these stupid uneducated idiots called Ambazonia Terrorists went and attacked a mixed control check point in Kumba, today 1 September 2019.. 😂 😂 LoL.. Here is the result.. Odeshi…
His name was Bobga Henry. He went to GHS Nguti. He was gunned down yesterday 22 Aug 2019, in his own home, by Amba terrorists in SW region of #Cameroon.…
Papa Ndop à domicile, zen Accrochage de la papa sur itinéraire retour à l’arme automatique par OPFOR en embuscade 2km après la brigade de Babessi *Bilan après accrochage* *Ami* :…
#MKPD – [dropcap style=’box’]A[/dropcap] young man, an Okada rider in Kumba was gunned down in Kumba on Friday 12 July 2019. His name was Itoe Junior aka Fashion. Amba Terrorist…