Ground Zero (GZ) Rejects ADF’s One Month Lockdown
Ground Zero (GZ) Rejects ADF One Month Lockdown. Capo Daniel says this is a big big Blow for Ambazonia. The Lockdown was not effective because of internal sabotage. The ADF…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Ground Zero (GZ) Rejects ADF One Month Lockdown. Capo Daniel says this is a big big Blow for Ambazonia. The Lockdown was not effective because of internal sabotage. The ADF…
#Oku, 07 July 2022 Morning.FM No Pity was planning to attack Oku today. He sent an advance team of 2 amba boys ahead to spy and send them information.1 has…
Oliver Lekeaka, who called himself the Field Marshal of Red Dragons of Lebialem has been killed today 12 July 2022. The Cameroon military are going to display his corpse publicly.…
Sama Thomas > Are we at war? When Amba Boys are throwing parties and busy kidnapping for ransoms? 9 #Bafut 7Kata soldiers captured at a birthday party, General Cross and…
#Mbengwi. General Witch bird and at least 2 of his boys killed 08 Jul 2022. His body displayed publicly in Mbon ParkĀ
The IG Bans ADF, AMF and SOCADEF from Ground Zero. 1) All ADF, AMF and SOCADEF Activities are Banned2) No ADF Forces are allowed to exist. All communities are empowered…
The ambazonia terrorist gang of #SNWL “General GrangPa of Awing.” He is one of those that were captured by the military on 28 June 2022 in Bafut area. Please. Expand…
ambaTerrorism, Bamessing – Report, 03 July 2022 The #SNWL amba terrorists in Bamessing are seriously down and in DESPERATE need of weapons and ammunition, our intelligence indicates. We think this…
Sikod on his knees, sends a STERN WARNING TO AMBAZONIANS. WE ARE NOT WINNING We are NOT in a very good state in this revolution. We are failing, and in…
2018. When Sako and Chris Anu dealt with ambazonians. The biggest scammers of all time. They hired limousine, put their pictures on it, drove around the streets of USA, took…