MKPD> Sugar News.. Diabetes Alert.. Take your insulin.. Because Barrister Nsahlai has officially taken Ambazonia BIG Mouth Chris Anu to court The Case has been filed, Case Numnber 2:19-cv-00995 on the Fri 08 Feb 2019 – Central District Court in California.

The plaintiffs, Jane Doe and all others similarly situated have brought this lawsuit, against Christopher Anu Fobeneh the Defendant.
Download the full Court case here >> [2019-02-08] Complaint – Fobeneh with Exhibits _CACD(2)
The case is a Complaint for Damages, Injunction and declaratory relief – Which means this is a CIVIL lawsuit… Just like the one against Tapang Ivo.
There are 8 charges in this lawsuit, seeking damages and declaratory reliefs for
- Personal injury
- Same as 1
- For RICO (Racketeering influenced Corrupt organisations)
- RICO Conspiracy.
- Aiding and abetting acts of international terrorism
- Conspiring in furtherance of acts of international terrorism
- Provision of material support to terrorists
- Negligent infliction of emotional distress,
Demand jury trial.
Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, who have suffered the loss of family friends, relatives, employees, agents, co-workers, laborers, and resulting from that, suffered severe emotional distress, harassment, anxiety, suffering, sleepless nights and other assorted grief and anguish due to the conduct, actions, participation, and material support of defendant CHRISTOPHER ANUFOBENEH (“FOBENEH”) to his agents, joint venture partners, forces, organizations who are armed separatist groups, culminating in the death of several employees,laborers, and agents of plaintiff, and total loss of economic interests of plaintiff Jane Doe.
Defendant FOBENEH, a terrorist, scammer, and opportunist, sensed in late 2016 a way of scamming millions of Cameroonians from their hard earned money by taking advantage of a lawyers civil protest in Cameroon, to declare a secessionist “government” he leads. He has, on information and belief, already raised several million dollars through his website, and used the funds, not only to fund his lavish lifestyle for him and his accomplices, and payment of tuition for their kids and related family members, but critically for this complaint – and in a bid to seek legitimacy among secessionist Cameroonians – materially supported violent crimes of killings, kidnappings, murder, violation of students education rights, terrorism, destruction of property and infrastructure, money laundering, to justify his status as a Cabinet member of the State he formed with his accomplices called “Ambazonia”.
My Analysis
So As I have said before, the case is a civil lawsuit, very similar to the one against Tapang Ivo, meaning that Chris Anu will not go to prison if he loses..
So in about 2 months the court will give him summons.. He can decide to ignore the summons – If he ignores the summons, then he loses the case by default. Once he gets the summons, and if he pleads not guilty, then he will get his lawyer, and they will go through discovery period, and then select a jury and then go to trial.
This is a long process that will take over 1 years before we see an end to this court case..
And do not forget Tapang Ivo’s lawsuit is still here – (Remember Tapang is a student, has no income) and Chris anus the fake pastor uses the struggle to put food on his table…) So where are they going to get money to pay for lawyer fees? The answer is simple.. They will either BEG BORROW, or STEAL, In this case I think they will Beg, using GoFundMe..
And they are deeply divided amongst themselves, So who will support who in all these multiple lawsuits? Man no run. Wuna go finish wuna fufu..
Like Tapang the Liar once acused us of Legal Terrorism. Well, I love the sound of that. LoL. We are terrorising the terrorists .
Anyways.. so This lawsuit seeks to get Chris Anu to PAY money for damages they have caused by inciting violence in Cameroon. If he is found guilty, and he doesn’t have the money to pay, he will be forced to declare Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, and the US government will reposes all his belongings and use the money to pay the damages.
And also if Chris Anu loses this lawsuit, it will put an injunction on him, and he will NEVER say another word about Ambazonia again.. If he does, and continues to incite violence, THEN that becomes a CRIMINAL offence, and he will go to prison.
MKPD you have to understand this point.. that the injunction, is not Just for Chris Anu, but his organisations that he represents, so ABC Show he does online, will be STOPPED, SCBC will be stopped, And the Injunction will also be put on The whole of the IG.

And I will explain more on my next presentation, on the IG, where I will explain how they are a NGO, a SCAM, and a sinking ship. Stay tuned..