The Letter Sako Ikome Sent to President Paul Biya, (Via the US Congress) Begging for Federation and Ministerial Appointment in Yaounde.
DATE: December 16, 2019
TO: Members of US Congress, Karen Bass et all
FROM: Samuel Ikome Sako, President of The Interim Government of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia
Dear Honorable Congress Members,
I write to convey deep appreciation to you, members of Congress, on behalf of the People of British Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) for your letter to President Biya on December 12, 2019. We are particularly happy for your callfor participation at the Swiss-Led Mediation process where we can cement that the root cause of this struggle is Federation that was abolished in 1972. We are ready.

In 1910, the whole of the region was one country, under the Germans. During WW1, the British and the French divided us for the first time, and the Southern & Northern Cameroons became UN trust territories under the British. In 1961, we the Southern Cameroons gained independence by joining Cameroun. At that time, we had a Federal republic.
We wish to restore that independence we had in 1961. This will automaticaly return to the Federal state where we will be two equal states that came together. We are ready to compromise to meet in the middle and accept Federation, as prescribed by the US administration and Congress.
We, the Ambazonia Interim Government (under Dr. Sako lkome) are the only legitimate entity to sit for negotiations with Cameroun to charter a path towards peace. As a new nation emerges in Africa, we the people of Southern Cameroons want to be equal partners in running the state.
As part of the negotiated settlement, we would like to be guaranteed no prosecution when we return back to our homeland. We have also made a list that has been forwarded to the Swiss negotiators already. The list contains individuals we wish to see appointed into ministerial positions in government of the new Federal republic that will emerge after this negotiated settlement. If we can be guaranteed these two conditions, we will cease all hostilities and direct our armed militias to lay down their weapons and peace will return to the state of West Cameroon.
It is worth noting that we do not speak for other banned groups that operate in our territory. The so-called Ambazonia Defense Forces (ADF) has been banned, and do not represent the aspirations of the people of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia).
Julius Ayuk-Tabe has been impeached by the people of Ambazonia, and does not represent the Ambazonian revolution. Please direct all correspondence to We thank You.
Submitted on behalf of the People of Federal Republic of Ambazonia
Sincerely Yours,
H.E. Samuel I. Sako, PhD