Dear AmbaBoys. Drop your guns, save your lives
Dear #AmbaBoys. When we say drop your guns, you say no. Well, it’s only a matter of time if the military does not capture you soon, then just wait..You will…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Dear #AmbaBoys. When we say drop your guns, you say no. Well, it’s only a matter of time if the military does not capture you soon, then just wait..You will…
Okha Naseri Clovis, Ex-Amba will be LiVE on *DDR Cameroon* Facebook Page, Saturday 22 Feb 2020 at 6PM, Cameroon Time. Who is Okha Naseri Clovis? Why did Clovis join amba?…
06h 30 attaque poste mile37 par amboboys riposte énergetique par élements BIR du poste en alerte bilan coté amis RAS coté ennemis 02 neutralisés 01 fal recupé 01 arme de…
The Ambazonia Terrorist “commander” in Babungo has been Kumkumised, 08 Feb 2020 in the most horrible way. His name was Tobe Revel. Several people had intervened and tried to deradicalise…
Prime Minister HRH Chief Dr. Dion Ngute visit to Buea and Limbe Thur 06 Feb 2020 We have never seen a gathering this huge in Buea. There is no place…
#Ambazonian terrorist called Fonteh, aka Mad dog, who declared war on amba Commander cross and die, was captured by other Amba boys (Cross and die.) and the result is hilarious…
JUDGE RULES THAT TAPANG MUST STAND TRIAL IN LOS ANGELES 03 Feb 2020 In the case of *Paddy Asanga vs Tapang (LIAR) Ivo Tanku*, since November of 2019, Paddy obtained,…
Ambazonia fighter killed in Small Babanki, 01 Feb 2020. Please. Drop your guns, go to DDR center before it is too late. Pictures below. In 2020, these fools are still…
In Pictures.. CPDM launch election campaign in Nkambe. (NW Region of Cameroon) for the twin Municipal and Parliamentary elections schduled for 09 Feb 2020. As AmbaFools always like to say…
Chris Anu (ambazonian Terrorists) Targets Civilians flying with CamAir-Co And takes responsibility for targeting civilian aircraft. This is an act of International Terrorism Akere Muna Tweeted Shooting at CAMAIR-CO Aircraft…