MKPD> This is a comment that someone left on one of my Facebook posts today 08 Feb 2019- I just wish to share it becuase I love it that much..
Please stop writing and sending some of your videos around midnight because it is too late to laugh and if people break their ribs, you are liable.
What societies of normal people everywhere want to know is what on earth was the lock-down supposed to accomplish? In one scene, bewildered residents watching a burning house were conversing/chatting with BIR.
Now, when both the soldiers and an increasing number of civilians are concluding that Diaspora-residents as revolutionaries are sick in the mind and their fighters are sick in the head, this is not even a trip to a worthy place - it is hell because the destruction is not remotely proportionate to advancement toward Buea.
When you win flatly or bigly you make geographical gains to the destination. Setting road blocks in villages to burden old people who will have to trek, frightening kindergarteners from school to prevent them from learning ABC is unadulterated madness.

The only thing I can say is that.. PLEASE don’t sue me, because I have no intentions to stop – Haha.