Two Ambazonia terrorists kumkumised by population in Mile 4 Nkwen, Bamenda. They were beaten to death by the population, after they attacked a metal worksmith. This occured last night (14 October 2022) at about 9:45PM.
When the amba Terrorists had attempted to steal a taxi from a driver who raised an alarm, the armed amba Terrorists fired their riffles but the population stepped in and successfully sent them to Maryland on a ONE WAY TICKET, Kumkum without soup. Security forces who were called in later, say they retrieved an M21 riffle and a magazine with 6 rounds of ammunition from the scene.

This is a successful story of how a community can band together to support eachother and defeat evil. If you keep waiting for Paul Biya to come and rescue you from the madness you brought on yourselves, then you will all die in agony. Cameroon government has more important things to do. At the end of the day, Bamenda people are the ones who went on the streets calling for armed insurrection, saying they want to make their territory ungovernable.. It is incombent on the same suffering population to rise up and stop the evil amba terrorists.
Well done to the population for swift action.