United Nations Resolution 1608 That concerns the Independence of the Former British Northern & Southern Cameroons. Below is the EXACT text from the ORIGINAL Document. >> Click here to download the Original document.
1608 (XV). The future of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 1350 (XIII) of 13 March 1959 concerning the future of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration in which the General Assembly recommended, inter alia, that the Administering Authority take steps, in consultation with the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner for the Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration, to organize, under the supervision of the United Nations, separate plebiscites in the northern and southern parts of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration, in order to ascertain the wishes of the inhabitants of the Territory concerning their future, and that the plebiscite in the Northern Cameroons be held about the middle of November 1959 on the basis of the two questions set out in paragraph 2 of the said resolution, Recalling its resolution 1352 (XIV) of 16 October 1959 whereby it decided, inter alia, that a plebiscite in the Southern Cameroons would be held between 30 September 1960 and March 1961, on the basis of the two questions set forth in paragraph 2 of the said resolution,

Recalling further its resolution 1473 (XIV) of 12 December 1959 in which the General Assembly, having considered the results of the plebiscite in the northern part of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration, recommended the organization by the Administering Authority, in consultation with the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner, of a further plebiscite to be held in the Northern Cameroons under United Nations supervision between 30 September 1960 and March 1961, on the basis of the two questions defined in paragraph 3 of the said resolution,
Having examined the report of the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner concerning the two plebiscites held in the Northern and the Southern Cameroons in February 19617 and the report of the Trusteeship Council thereon,
Having heard the petitioners,
- Expresses its high appreciation of the work of United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner for the Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration and his staff;
- Endorses the results of the plebiscites that :
(a) The people of the Northern Cameroons have, by a substantial majority, decided to achieve independence by joining the independent Federation of Nigeria ;
(b) The people of the Southern Cameroons have similarly decided to achieve independence by joining the independent Republic of Cameroun;
- Considers that, the people of the two parts of the Trust Territory having freely and secretly expressed their wishes with regard to their respective futures in accordance with General Assembly resolutions 1352 (XIV) and 1473 (XIV), the decisions made by them through democratic processes under the supervision of the United Nations should be immediately implemented ;
- Decides that, the plebiscites having been taken separately with differing results, the Trusteeship Agreement of 13 December 1946 concerning the Came-roons under United Kingdom administration shall be terminated, in accordance with Article 76 b of the Charter of the United Nations and in agreement with the Administering Authority, in the following manner:
(a) With respect to the Northern Cameroons, on 1 June 1961, upon its joining the Federation of Nigeria as a separate province of the Northern Region of Nigeria ;
(b) With respect to the Southern Cameroons, on 1 October 1961, upon its joining the Republic of Cameroun;
- Invites the Administering Authority, the Government of the Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroun to initiate urgent discussions with a view to finalizing, before 1 October 1961, the arrangements by which the agreed and declared policies of the parties concerned will be implemented.
994th plenary meeting, 21 April 1961.
Ibid., agenda item 13, addendum, document A/4727.
Ibid., agenda item 13, document A/4726.
This is the EXACT text from the ORIGINAL Document from the United Nations archives, copied from the ORIGINAL by MKPD. >> Click here to download the Original document.