Carlson Anyangwe is one of the architects behind the guns, and the killings of innocent Cameroonians by Ambazonia Terrorists. He is the main sponsor of the adage that you cannot make omelette without breaking eggs. His children are all abroad and he is hiding in South Africa with the wife. (See Pictures below.)

He calls himself the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Facebook republic of Ambazonia, a terrorist organisation that sprung up in Late 2016, and today they use all kinds of criminal means to fund their terrorism. They Use kidnapping for ransom and extortion to fund their terrorism in Cameroon. All the thousands of victims of Ambazonia Terrorism can thank Carlson Anyanwe for their suffering.

We will continue to investigate and report on these Criminals. They will soon realise that there are consequences for inciting terror in Cameroon. We will dig deep to know where they come from, their family backgrounds, etc, to better understand why these people sit in the comfort abroad, and instigate violence and hell on our people in Cameroon. #KBi has launched an investigation. Stay Tuned





By KumKum Massa

Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.