#OperationSunshie in #Lebialem. Serious sunshine.. March 2022
1) Name: Andeh Cornelius.
Father’s name: Ebai Paul of late,
Mother’s name: Ebai Rose she lives in Makem Quarter in Wabane. presently she has constructed in the Quarter makem and she is there right now. His WhatsApp Tel: +234 912 811 4741. Andeh Cornelius is hiding in Nigeria now preparing to return to Cameroon to continue terrorism.

2) Name: Enow Bayong. From Tchougui Nkong, Father’s name is Enow Elvis. Enow Bayong and Cornelius Andeh are both under Ayeke and Die Man (Agbor Oscar)

3) Nkeaze Michael still active in Lebialem as a terrorist with Fuacho Mosco. He is very hungry and should be given INSTANT kumkum on sight.

4) Name: Belinda. from hiding in the Francophone zone. When we get more info we will publish. She was under Oliver Lekeaka “Red Dragons”. She is from Ndungated Village

5) Nkemaka Benis – She is From Ndumgated village hiding in the francophone zone as of March 2022. When we get more info, we will publish Far and wide. She is the elder sister of Nkemaka Kingsly Sunshined below..

6) Fordengcap Elvis aka Lucifer from Ndumgated village Lebialem. He was a terrorist in Kwakwa as well. Presently he is at Leleng Lebialem division. He cheated death the last time the military attacked their camp. His kumkum is almost ready for consumption.

7) Henry alias chief cook! He was amongst the 12 who started the red dragons, he is still in Lebialem division, still in the bush after all these years. He cheated death several times. He is from Atem.

8) Benson aka Tonton. From Lewoh village. Has together with others burgled all homes in the village. He is still in the bushes, terrorising people in Lebialem

9) Nkemaka Kingsly – His sister (Nkemaka Benis) was also ambazonia terrorist, sunshined above.. They are from Ndungated village

10) Atembeshu aka Papi is the most notorious amongst amba terrorists under Bride Asongu

11) Basil from Njenawung village fighting together with Asongu Bride

12) Etiendem Elvis amba terriorist in lebialem. He is from Njenawung village in alou sub-division. Etiendem Elvis was wounded by ADF, escaped to Limbe where he worked with one elite from njenawung village was treated. He is amongst those who went to fight against AFCON. He is back again and working with Bride.

13) Oliver Lekeaka, aka Film Marshal of Lebialem, wanted amba terrorist, 25M frs cfa for kumkum, and 5M frs for info leading to kumkum. He is the biological brother of Chris Anu

14) “General” Mosco, “Red Dragons”, Lebialem, Real name Nchutaku Mosco Aka Fauchu

#MKPD 💪🏽 🇨🇲
#MashFire 🔥
#WinningFatly 💪🏽 🇨🇲
Remember that in 2018, there were over 1,000 active amba terrorists in Lebialem Division Alone. We used to hear threats from shit-no-wipe-lass overnight “generals” like Oliver Lekeaka, Ayeke Lestico, Agbor Oscar “General Die Man”, General Tiger, General Fonshinallah Vincent, General Roma, etc etc etc..
Today in 2022, I MKPD can assess and estimate that there are less than 100 amba terrorists remaining in Lebialem, and most of the remaining ones are inactive, while others are Nigerian mercenaries who have been lured into Cameroon to benefit from the lucrative kidnapping business.
#OperationSunshine is the reason why Lebialem has been able to achieve security and push the few remaining terrorists far into the bushes. Lebialem is a case study, showing us how a few Bangwa people decided to change the fortunes of the whole division. Here is what you need to know..
By 2019, the destruction caused by the amba terrorists was severe in Lebialem. Lebialem was completely decimated by ambazonia terrorism. There wasn’t a single school functioning in Lebialem in 2019.. All banks were broken into by the terrorists, Houses looted, people can driven out, most had to flee to West Region and all over the Francophone zone.
The elites of Lebialem coordinated with a handful of people on the ground, working to gather information, share the information with the authorities, work together in the background to frustrate ambazonia terrorist activities, sunshine them, report them and kill the Shit-No-Wipe-Lass #ambaTerrorists.
The SDO and Dos in Lebialem also played their parts.. It took a collective effort, from small things such as topping up credit for people who gather information on the ground and send to the authorities. Beltus Ateasong, Valentine, Rado, Kingsly, to name but a few, are ex-amba who voluntarily joined in sensitisation, using mass communication and other means to deliver the results we see today.
Sensitisation was key. Small financial input from the elites to assist the sensitisation efforts, (e.g buying them mobile phones, and encouraging their efforts in the background, went a long way)
But here is what you do not know. Sunshine only works well with Kumkum.
Many of the amba boys in Lebialem simply “DISAPPEARED”. What do I mean? Some villagers and victims took matters into their own hands, and started paying back and eye for an eye. You kill my mami, I kill your own – man no di vex. Many amba terrorists had their family members attacked when they committed atrocities, and some villagers simply went and killed the terrorists themselves, and threw the smelly shit-no-wipe lass in the bushes. Case closed, peace returned instantly.
Now, Let’s look at Ndian, Bui, Fako and some other towns where ambazonia terrorism is still prevalent. Here is the truth. These communities have DELIBERATELY allowed amba to fester in their midst.
Fester: For those who don’t know my big grammar, I mean they allowed a small problem to become worse or more intense, especially through long-term neglect or indifference.
Just like Lebialem, we can also point to Wum in Menchum, Fundong, Buea, Mamfe Central, Limbe, where there are no ambazonia terrorists in these areas. (Ofcourse Nkambe is an exceptional case where they denounced amba BEFORE it started).
Wherever you still see ambazonia terrorist activities in 2022, know that the people in that area permit it.. Starting from the elites. Point your fingers at Chiefs, Government appointed ministers from that area, Senators, Parliamentarians, Especially Government officials like the DOs, Big Business people, Mayors, Rev Fathers and Pastors. THEY PERMIT IT.
They permit ambazonia terrorism in two ways.
CATEGORY1 – Benefiters
Personal benefit from the terrorist activities, be it financial or political. Some use it to settle scores against political and business opponents.
CATEGORY2 – Laziness
A combination of Cowardice, Laziness and a lack of will to fight terrorism. Some people in positions of power just sit on their hands and expect that terrorism will defeat itself.
CATEGORY3 – Je m’en fou.
Some people have given up. Including some elites who were driven out in the beginning and their properties destroyed, now they look back and say, let amba do their worst. I have nothing to lose or to gain.
Remember. Whenever you see ambazonia Terrorism in ANY area, you know that the people in that community PERMIT it. Now you only have to ask yourself.. Which Category do you fall in? Are you using amba terrorism for personal gain? Or are you just Lazy, Incompetent, or you just don’t care?
We also have some Great previous sunshine from Lebialem.

Ngulefac John Kunju, Amba terrorist from Lebialem – Sunshined 2021 – He joined amba terrorism since 2019.

Asaba Justine lebialem red dagons sunshine – As of 10 March 2022, we do not know her status. sunshine will continue to burn bright. – She is from Abang in Lower Ndungated.

Tamonkia Noel was arrested, and is in Prison as we speak. This Operation Sunshine heloed to flush out the shit-no-wipe-lass

Tamonkia Noel Tagrohkem aka Baby police of Lebialem – Captured 10 Jul 2021 – The Fool is in Prison, begging to go to DDR Hahahahaha – when we sunshined him, he called the guys at DDR to threaten them. Shit-no-wipe-lass

Asongu Bride is now known as “General Bride”, still a terrorist in the bush. We do not know the status of Fomdek Joseph as of 10 March 2022. we are working on it.

Innocent civilian from Lebialem – Haha – This one was Captured in West Region – He was hiding there. He is enjoying kumkum in prison now.

Linus from Tali, amba terrorist in Lebialem. As of March 2022, we do not know his status

Gilbert Jinkeng aka Sekem – Amba terrorist from Lebialem is in Bamenda

Lebialem red dragons kumkumised. General Techno, Jack and Thunder. Sweet News

Atenkeng Lando – from Lebialem hiding in Dubai

Colonel Small Baba of lebialem – under Agbor Oscar “General Die Man” – As of 10 March 2022, we do not know his fate.

We defeatd amba in Lebialem – population returning home – Life gradually returning to normal.

These 5 ex-ambaboys dropped their guns in October 2020 and received Presidential pardon and amnesty- 27 Oct 2020 – Assah Julius aka Col Tiger, Fonge Lawrence, Fombele Atanach, Nkemtabi David

01 June 2021 – reported by Beltus Ateasong on Facebook.:
Asongu Bride aka Gen Bride who has been hiding in Manyu since his former boss Ayekeh was kumkumised arrived Lebialem last evening with seven boys amongst which are five Nigerians. He is coming back at this period purposely because it’s cocoa season so he wants to make millions together with these Biafra Terrorists.

Asongu Bride – amba terrorist Lebialem page writeup – This is his mother. Stela Njuzy

Martin Wefor – dropped his guns August 2020 – Lebialem – And this is WHY we do sunshine. Make them drop the guns by DDR or by Kumkum.. By any means neccessary.