The Social Democratic Front (SDF) is one of the main political Opposition parties in Cameroon. Their National Chairman, (Ni John Fru Ndi) was kidnapped yesterday 28 June 2019 from his residence in Ntarikon, Bamenda. He was kidnapped by one of the Ambazonia Terrorist groups.
The SDF has released a statement, which you can read both in French and English Below.. But first..
MKPD> Opinions
[dropcap style=’box’]E[/dropcap]ven in their statement which you can read below, Signed by the SDF Secretary General (Jean Tsomelou), they say that Ni John was “Brutally kidnapped by heavily armed men in civilian attire” LoL.. Is that the new way of describing Ambazonia Terrorists?
Even on their platforms, the Ambazonia Defence forces (ADF) Spokesperson, Tapang (PizzaBoy) Tanku was gloating that Amba Terrorists “Arrested” Ni John Fru Ndi.
Since these politicians want to play with words, and appeasement to terrorists, they ARE reaping what they sow. They should Keep paying them ransoms and romancing terrorists.. The terrorists will keep coming for them.
[quote align=’right’]MKPD Lesson.. We should NEVER appease terrorists. Quote me anywhere![/quote]
Na wuna sabi. Last time the Ambazonia Terrorists kidnapped Ni John Fru Ndi (April 2019), they welcomed him with a coke, maybe this time they’ll give him champagne 🥂..
I have a Question..
Why is this Old Papa still clinging on to power as National chairman of SDF? 🤔
[dropcap style=’box’]A[/dropcap]re you telling me that there are no younger, better educated, better travelled, experienced and more capable Cameroonians that can occupy that position as SDF chairman? 🤔
The SDF was founded in May 1990, and since then, it has been 29 years, and THE SAME MAN is still at the helm, as National Chairman.
So.. How can we complain that Biya is clinging on to power for decades, when every one else wants to do the same thing? How is Ni John different from Biya?

Anyways, as a victim of this Amba madness myself, I do not wish anyone to be affected, I hope he is released ASAP. I also hope he will now come out openly and denounce the Ambazonia Terrorism, and call them out for what they are.. TERRORISTS!
[dropcap style=’box’]L[/dropcap]e président national du Sdf, le chairman Ni John Fru Ndi a été victime d’un enlèvement par des ravisseurs non identifiés cet après-midi aux environs de 15h30mn. Ces derniers sont entrés dans sa résidence de Ntarikon par Bamenda avec des armes à feu et ont tiré à bout portant sur son garde de corps puis multiplié par la suite des tirs de sommation.
Le chairman qui se trouvait à l’intérieur de la maison est sorti pour s’enquérir de la situation et c’est alors que les assaillants l’ont enlevé pour une destination inconnue.
Le SDF avisera en tant que de besoin l’opinion nationale et internationale sur ce nouveau kidnapping qui intervient pratiquement deux mois jour pour jour après celui du 27 avril dernier.
Fait à Douala le 28 juin 2018
Jean Robert Wafo
Ministre du shadow cabinet du SDF en charge de l’information et des médias.