This is the officer commander who just graduated four days ago in Bamenda. He has been killed by Amba Terrorists in front of his family in Bamenda.

Le St/Lt Nsangou ,Promu le 1er Juillet, donc il ya seulement 4 jours, abattu devant. Femme et enfants a Bamenda par les Separatistes…la crise prend une autre tournure…Rip

He is from Foumban, and according to what is commenting on the pic, he was in his house in Bamenda with the wife and children when the Amba boys entered and shot him to dead.

On signale le décès du St- lieutenant Nsangou du 3e BIR récemment promu le 1er/07/2019 tué par les terroristes dans son ancien quartier Gomgam

Circumstances of death. I hear he was killed in front of his kids

The picture with his wife was taken two days before he was murdered.

At 4 pm on 4 July 2019, Sub-Lieutenant Nsangou Salim of BIR Bamenda in the northwest was shot in front of his family by four individuals armed with a homemade rifle. he was a nurse who was engaged in health campaigns for the benefit of the civilian population. the attackers ambushed him near his home in the city of Bamenda.

Nom et prénom : *NSANGOU SALIM*
Grade : sous-lieutenant
Âge : 42 ans
Unité : CCS
Formation : 3è BIR
*Marié*. Monogame.
Nombre d’enfants : 07 (03 filles et 04 garçons )

He has been leaving in ngoham for 8 years now and he was thinking that they can’t attack him there because he was so good with the population

By KumKum Massa

Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.