Ambazonia fearless Don Pasho has publicly announced that the Southern Cameroonians, Divisional delegates kidnapped in Ndian was carried out by amba fighters, for a ransom of 1 billion frs CFA.
June 17, 2021

Kidnapping for ransom is rife on Ground zero.

The Amba Fighters have no option but to kidnap our people for ransom, because they need the money for food.

Mark Bareta Opinion on the issue of Amba Boys Kidnapping for ransom

Mark Bareta on Kidnapping for ransom – The amba Boys need to eat. Where do they get money from? They need to kidnap in order to feed. It should not be a surprise to anyone.

By Jon HuangHe

Jon is a proud Cameroonian, who has assisted MKPD on this platform since early 2019, by writing and sending for Publishing on via email. In Early 2020, MKPD decided to add him as an author on the Blog, so that he can actively write and publish on the blog. Please leave your feedback below.

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