In the search for financing mechanisms, from persons abroad, engaged in supporting terrorist groups in the North West and South West (NW / SW) regions, an institution forwarded to competent authorities, information highlighting the fund-raising schemes in certain countries.
On 02 July 2019, the institution, submitted names of physical and legal persons involved in the mobilisation of funds in support of the aforementioned terrorist groups operating in North West / South West.
On these bases, it launched investigations to understand the operational techniques of mobilisation of funds by the people concerned.
From the first elements gathered, it follows that:
In addition to the persons and organisations referred to in the aforementioned information, the following actors are also involved in terrorist fundraising networks in the NW / SW regions of Cameroon.
- “Ambazonia Consulting Inc” Association;
- Etchu Tabeyang;
- Roger Atsimbom Akem;
- Samuel Ikome Sako;
- “Southern Cameroon Relief Fund Ltd” Association.
This association was created in 2017 by Mr. Etchu Tabenyang. His registration number in the state of Maryland in the US is D18442269. His addresses are: “8101 Fenwick Court, Maryland 20707” and “14717 Baltimore Avenue, Suite A, Laurel, Maryland 20707”.
The fundraising operations detected during these investigations were recorded between February 2018 and March 2019 in the Bank of America (BOA) in the USA, wherein the association is holder to cheque account No 446035077280. Within one year, its transactions carried out in the American cities of San Jose, California, Lawrenceville, Georgia, Marietta, Waukegan, Malden, Massachusetts, Bowie, Greenbelt, Hyattsville, Rockville, Seabrook, and Takoma, is worth 945,949 US dollars (approximately 559,055,859 CFA francs).
These credit supplies are transacted from certain individual accounts as well as the accounts of the Ambazonia Foundation Inc Association (of Ms Helen Akonji) in the BOA, and of which, ANIF presented a detailed description in its note of 04 March 2019.

The aforementioned accounts of the Ambazonia Foundation Inc association, lodged in the BOA, which have recorded financial flows in favour of the Ambazonia Consulting Inc association, are as follows:
- Savings Account No 446040241797;
- Savings Account No 446042173724;
- Savings Accoount No 446039914048;
- Savings Account No 446042173708;
- Savings Account No 446042173779;
- Savings Account No 446040325121;
- Savings Account No 446042173753;
- Cheque Account No 446042173711;
- Savings Account No 446040241810;
- Savings Account No 446042041917;
- Cheque Account No 446031722827;
- Savings Account No 446040325134.
During the period under review, the accounts of these two associations (Ambazonia Foundation Inc. and Ambazonia Consulting Inc.) operating in the BOA, in the USA, recorded credit transactions, without valid justifications, for a total amount of 1,445 548 US dollars (854,318,868 FCFA).
The main contributors to the credit accounts cited above are:
- Sebastien Mbariku;
- Helene Akonji;
- Frank Enoanyi ABANGE ( from the association Ambazonia Mission AGC);
- Etchu Tabenyang;
- The company Usaida belonging to H. Akonji;
- Scacuf Foundation Inc
Investigations have shown that a large part of the funds mobilised in the accounts of these associations at the BOA in the USA are transferred to Nigeria, for the benefit of the following persons:
- Abdul Oroh, a lawyer and member of the collective Council formed to defend Ayuk Sisiku Tabe and the other separatists during proceedings before the Yaounde Military Tribunal;
- Tatah Donald Silva;
- Joseph Oloko;
- Ivo Tanku Tapang, one of the most violent and radical secessionists.
He is registered as the co-manager of the “Ambazonia Consulting Inc” association, together with Samuel Ikome; but some sources state that Ms Helene Akonji would be the real promoter of this association, in addition to the so-called Ambazonia Foundation Inc.
He is one of the people who supply the bank accounts of the “Ambazonia Consulting Inc” association, without any justification on the origin of funds.
He is one of the co-managers of “Ambazonia Consulting Inc”. He is equally a USA resident offender, who was prosecuted and convicted for credit card fraud in 2017, to the detriment of; Capital One banks, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo Bank.
It is a registered association in the USA since February 2018, with Christensia Akunju Asong as manager. Its declared objective is to support the populations of the South West Region of Cameroon.
But her publications in various social networks (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) state: “financial support in different ways for the total independence of Southern Cameroon”.

Between April 2018 and April 2019, her account No. 446033210609 lodged in the BOA recorded a cumulative deposit which amounted to 48 832 US dollars (approximately 28 859 712 FCFA). These funds are collected from different cities in the USA, notably Hyattsville, Silver Spring, and Columbia.
As part of the cooperation between the Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) and members of the Egmont Group, the institution wrote to some homologated Financial Intelligent Units, requesting them to highlight potential networks whose activities are: raising funds abroad for the benefit of Secessionist terrorist groups, operating in the North West and South West regions.
This note shows the financial transactions registered mainly in the USA, including the following physical and legal persons known to be at the center:
- Ambazonia Foundation Inc;
- Ambazonia Mission AGC;
- Frank Enoanyi ABANGE.
The Ambazonia Foundation (alias Ambazonia Foundation Inc, alias US- Ambazonia Foundation Inc), is registered in the Trade Register Maryland State under the numbers D118172734 and D18388694. The organisation has two addresses in Maryland: 9407 Myrtle Avenue, Bowie, Maryland 2070 and 3705 Clairto Drive, Bowie, Maryland 20721. Its legal representatives are: Helene A. Akonji and Asi J. Mbah.
The Ambazonia Mission AGC (alias Mission AGC Ambazonia) is registered in Ohio State, USA, under registration number 4035039. It has the following two addresses: 3711 Rubythroat Drive, Gahanna, Ohio 43230 and 3711 Rubythroat Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43230. The promoter and legal representative of this organisation is Mr. Frank Enoanyi Abange.
For a better understanding of the different networks, this note is presented in the form of various networks involving, not only the physical and legal persons mentioned above, but also other actors involved in the mobilization and transfer of fund to the so called “Ambazonians” terrorist organisations.
The operations described in this network cover the period from June 26 to September 06, 2018. Their transactions registered in the Bank of America (BOA), city of Charlotte in North Carolina,amounts to $224 300 US dollars. They involve the Ambazonia Foundation organisation, and Mr Sebastien A. Mbariku, who is born on 13 August 1975, residing in Springdale, Maryland and have gained American nationality.
During the above referenced period, 17 account-to-account deposits, totaling an amount of 224 300 US dollars were registered in current account No 446041136429, in the Bank of America and titled “Sebastien A Mbariku”. These deposits were made by the following customers of the BOA:
- Olufunmilayo a. Oduba, account holder No 446030720781, BOA.
- Ambazonia Foundation Inc, account No 446040241917, BOA;
- Ambazonia Foundation Inc, Account No 446040325121, BOA.
The origin of the funds and the justification of transfers recorded in the account of Mr. Mbariku are not established.
During this period, Mr Mbariku ordered, without clear motives, from his account, the provision of funds for the benefit of the following persons:
- Judith F. AZAH, account holder No 435006824952, BAO;
- Mathew A. Amberretu, account holder No 446040165857, BOA;
- Clarisse Mbonge, account holder No 446037215477, BOA
It should be pointed out that in addition to his current account No 446041136429, Mr. Mbariku is also the holder of savings account No 446041226698, in the BOA.
During the period under review (June-September 2018), these two accounts recorded 53 credit transactions, totaling 269 198 US dollars, consisting of:
- End to end Account Provisioning, which amounted to 224 300 US dollars;
- Transfers, which amounted to 15 991 US dollars;
- Cash Deposits, which amounted to 13 820 US dollars;
- Debit card provisioning, which amounted to 11 535 US dollars;
- Collected cheques, which amounted to 3 548 US dollars.
In all, 275 transactions were recorded during this period in Mr. Mbariku’s acount at the BOA, totaling an amount of 268 940US dollars, consisting of payments by cards, supply of accounts payable, transfers, cash withdrawals, and transfers by financial courier companies. These transactions were made to the benefit of a man called Fidelis Agbor.
The following transfer and payment companies were used: World Remit, Wal-mart, Dynamic Carpet, Overstock, Printing Services, Capital One, Kingsley Estates, PEP Boys and RIA Financial Services.
Finally, on 22 October 2018, the so called Johnson K. Tata (born on 29 June 1955, and residing at Randallstown in Maryland) made a cash deposit of 21 251 US dollars in Account No. 446040241917 belonging to Ambazonia Foundation, without any proof of the origin of funds nor transaction reason.
The transactions presented in this network are related to the Ambazonia Foundation and concern the so-called Messrs. Mark Bareta Bara (born on 15 December 2010 and resident in Ghent, Belgium) and Roland Omene (born on 31 October 2005, living in Fort Worth, Texas.
The financial transactions described in this network, cover the period from 17 February 2016 to 11 July 2018, totaling an amount of 267 207 US dollars, carried out via Paypal Inc, in San Jose, California.
The transactions referred to below are related to Mr. Tapang Ivo’s Paypal account No 2231772467480952819, who is famously known to be one of the recognised heads of secessionist fighters in Cameroon. His paypal account during this period recorded inflows worth 267 207 US dollars, deposited by various people with undeclared reasons. In addition to cash withdrawals, part of the funds received by Tapang was transferred to Mark Bareta’s Paypal account No 185165941489817884.
During this referenced period, several transactions were made from Bareta’s Paypal account to the Ambazonia Foundation’s Paypal account No 1207206535672667455.
Mark Bareta Bara is the promoter of the Baretanews, a propaganda agency for secessionist terrorists. In addition to supplies ordered by Tapang, Bareta’s Paypal account also receives offers deposits from people of all walks of life. All these entries are part of an online fundraising campaign launched under the theme: “MY TRIP TO BUEA”. It was a fundraising aimed at supporting terrorist operations in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon.
Via his Paypal account, Bareta sends funds to Mr Roland Omene’s Paypal account No 1207206535672667455, which also receives funds coming from the Ambazonia Foundation.
Mr. Roland Omene is also a fundraiser for secessionist organisations in the “South West”. Withdrawals from his Paypal account are not made in Cameroon, but rather in Cote d’Ivoire. He also holds Bank Account No. 446039914048 in the BOA, which doubles as as a fundraising platform.
Transactions in this network concern the Ambazonia Mission AGC, a criminal organisation whose promoter is Frank Enoanyi ABANGE. These transactions, which concern the period from 15 December to 20 December 2017, take place within an online payment platform called STRIPE, in its San Francisco branch.
During the above cited period, 37 online deposits were registered in favour of the Ambazonia Mission AGC, STRIPE No acct_1BWqZeFAQzMbVZDe, for a total amount of 5 832 US dollars, opened on 11 December 2017, by Abange. It turned out that the funds raised in this STRIPE account came from an online fundraising platform in Great Britain called GoFundMe. In the Facebook page of the Ambazonia Mission AGC, call for contributions were made to support the rebel groups in Cameroon. According to the actors, the funds collected were intended to support the terrorists fighters of the “Ambazonia Defense Forces (ADF)”, wherein, one of their leaders is AYABA Cho Lucas
The website of this network (Ambazonia Mission AGC) has a secured online fundraising portal, which can be directly sourced from payment platforms such as Paypal. In this website and via the ABN TV channel, Ayaba CHO sends out messages for “resistant” calls for funding in “Southern Cameroon”. In his messages, different alternatives are proposed for fundraising. They include:
- Direct flow into Account No 912215956 at JPMorgan Chase Bank;
- Forwarded cheques to PO Box 93, Blacklick, OH43004-0093;
- Financing via online payment platforms: Cash App, GoFundMe or
In view of these eminent financing of terrorism activities, STRIPE went ahead to close the Ambazonia Mission AGC account No acct_1BWQZEFAQzMbVDe. It was noted that the 5 832 US dollars raised for online collections in this cited STRIPE account came from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Mali, South Africa, Switzerland and the USA.
The funds collected via STRIPE were thus transferred by Abange into account No 912215956 opened at JPMorgan Chase Bank, Tampa, in Florida. This terrorist Fundraising Account contributed to support terrorist activities in Cameroon also received a cash payment of 20 000 US dollars, deposited on 20 September 2017 by Abange, in the city of Gahanna, Ohio.
Transactions recorded at the Bank of America (BOA) show that Mr. Frank Enoanyi Abange is at the center of this network, and involve Messrs Clavanda E. CONTEH (born on 04 April 1974, resident in Virginia) and Blaise B. KAMSI (born on 15 August 1973, residing in Laurel, Maryland and promoter of the Tax Relief Solution Inc company) as well as the so-called Washington Care Unlimited Inc, based in the District of Columbia, declared active in the management of mental illnesses. The transactions carried out by this network recorded a total amount of 80 970 US dollars between 22 August 2016 and 18 August 2017.
Messrs Blaise B. Kamsi and Roger Hongla Momha are the signatories to the Washington Care Unlimited Inc. bank accounts, opened at the BOA. Funds are transferred from these accounts to Frank Abange’s account, promoter for the support of the terrorist organisation, Ambazonia Mission AGC.
The bank accounts registerd in this network at the BOA are the following:
- Cheque Account No 446033860509, opened under the title – Blaise B Kamsi;
- Cheque account No 226000333069 opened under the title- Washington Care;
- Booklet Account No 22600110098, still opened under the title- Washington Care
Between January and June 2017, 12 cash deposits totaling 57 000 US dollars were recorded in the Washington Care account at the BOA. It is worth noting that its transactions were carried out by the same persons at the same time.
Between 22 August 2015 and 18 August 2019, 10 cash deposits totaling 23 970 US dollars are recorded in Kamsi’s personal account and the Washington Care cheque account, deposited by the same individuals.
Between 22 July 2016 and 21 August 2017, Kamsi’s cheque account at the BOA recorded 79 credit operations, totaling 171 617 US dollars and consisting of:
- Cheques received, totaling an amount of 86 942 US dollars, deposited by Carecas Travel and Mr Henry B. Abbah;
- Cash Deposit worth 47 203 US dollars;
- Transfers received, to the order of:
- Allen C. Minang, Account No 586023476261 at the BOA;
- Kingsley S. Fonjong, Account No 4460262894569 at the BOA
- Online deposits through the Ach platform, amounting to 7 502 US dollars;
- Account to Account transfers of an amount worth 3 300 US dollars, issued by Pascaline Che, George Ndongai and Salifu Ngali.
During this same period, debit transactions registered in Mr. Kamsi’s cheque account at the BOA amounted to 178 023 US dollars, consisting of:
- Cash withdrawals,
- Card payments,
- Cheques issued for the benefit of Terra Nova Enterprises,
- Account transfers to the following persons:
- Kingsley S. Fonjong, Account No 4460262894569 at the BOA;
- Frank Enoanyi Abange, Account No 381021611595 at the BOA;
- Alain Walonla
During the year 2017, the bank accounts of Washington Care, BOA, registered 37 credit transactions totaling an amount of 174 491 US dollars, amongst which include:
- Several received cheques, issued by: Clavenda E. Conteh, Solange Nzeseh, Evelyn J. Musi, Fatmata Barrie, Aldrin Jonkam et A Plus Advantage Professionals Inc.
- Transfers ordered by Mr. Kamsi’s Tax Relif Solution Inc
During the same period, debit transactions on these accounts amounted to 110 121 US dollars, consisting amongst others, issued cheques and transfers ordered in favor of: Balise Kamsi, Dwight Donesky, Wilson Mancho, George F. Muma, Tax Relief Solution and Terra Nova Enterprises.

This network highlights transactions involving Frank Enoanyi Abange, Charles U. Obiyo and Salome O. Obiyo through an account opened at the BOA.
In sense, Frank Enoanyi Abange made transfers to account No. 446019208004 entitled “Charles U. Obiyo and Salome O. Obiyo” at the BOA.
Charles U. Obiyo is born on 14 April 1967 and Salome O Obiyo, born on 23 September 1975, are all residents in the state of Maryland.
From 16 September 2014 to 05 October 2015, the aforementioned account was fed by cash payments, cheques and transfers for a total amount of 497,567 US dollars. The transfers of funds in question were instructed by Dickson Besong, Frank Enoanyi Abange and Moses Tabe-Ambilichu.
Some cash payments and cheques came from Mbeitong, Salome Obiyo and EM2 Technology Services.
From 02 September 2014 to 06 October 2015, debit transactions on this account amounted to 533 652 US dollars. These transactions consisted of cash withdrawals, transfers and card payments.
A transfer was made to Raph Obiyo in Nigeria.
In debit, cheques were issued in favour of Overland Garden Apartments and Emmanuel Okafor, Felize Che, Eric Akwenkwelle and Elsie Goodwin.
The transactions described in this network concern to Frank Enoanyi Abange, Blaise B. Kamsi and the Resilience Care Inc Company, through two accounts in PNC Bank.
Blaise B. Kamsi is holder of Account No 5563309223 at the PNC Bank.
Resilience Care Inc is a home health Company promoted by Blaise B. Kamsi and Mbah R. WUNO. The company’s Account No at the PNC Bank is 532915958 and its signatories are the two promoters mentioned above.
From 31 July to 14 November 2014, Resilience Care Inc, received two cheques into its account at PNC bank (worth 59 525US dollars), coming from Washington Care Unlimited Inc, whose Account No. at the BOA is 226000333069, belonging to KAMSI.
From 02 October to 13 November 2014, 06 cheques(166 000 US dollars) were issued to Washington Care Unlimited Inc from Blaise B. Kamsi’s account at PNC Bank.
In reality, funds received from Resilience Care Inc. accounts at PNC Bank are transferred to Blaise B. Kamsi’s Account at PNC Bank, from which, cheques are later issued to Washington Care Unlimited Inc.
Resilience Care Inc. account has also received cheques from:
- Terra Nova Enterprise (8250 US dollars);
- The Point at Laurel Lakes (6000 US dollars);
- George T. Muma (6000 US dollars);
- Roger Hongla Momha (6000 US dollars);
- Bertrand Fote (10 000 US dollars.)
Blaise B. Kamsi’s Account at PNC Bank also received the following deposits:
- Payment from Resilience Care Inc (1 990 US dollars);
- Cheques drawn by a certain Kathy M. Ade (20 000 US dollars);
- Transfer by Frank Enoanyi Abange (37 998 US dollars);
- Cheques from State Pharmacy Inc (24 000 US dollars);
- Cheque from Elegance Ballroom (25 000 US dollars).
This network demonstrates transactions involving Frank Enoanyi Abange and Wendy Yihong Wen through an account opened in Wells Fargo Bank in California.
Wendy Yihong Wen was born 27 May 1978 and lives in Berkerly, California. She holds the following accounts Nos at Wells Fargo Bank: 757-578814 and 1817633868 entitled “Wendy Wen”.
On 17 July 2014, Wendy Yihong Wen was paid a fraudulent cheque on her Wells Fargo Bank account No 1817633868, worth 15,000 US dollars.
From 17 July to 21 July 2014, the following transactions were recorded on her account
- 02 cash withdrawals (US $ 11,600);
- 02 transfers to her cheque account (US $ 1,250);
- 02 transfers in favor of Frank Enoanyi Abange (US $ 2,000);
- 01 transfer in favor of Jo- ETTA Brown-Higgins (500 US dollars).
Frank Enoanyi Abange, Augustin Taku Enaw and Jude Esaenobi are the main actors of this network through a registered account at the Bank of America (BOA)
Augustin Taku Enaw was born on 21 August 1944 and lives in Huntington Station, New York.
Jude Essaenobi was born on 25 October 1981 and lives in Washingston, DC.
In 2013, Augustin Taku Enaw and Jude Essaenobi made payments into Frank Enoanyi Abange’s account number 383001988084 at the BOA; the paid funds were later used to make a deposit of 20,000 US dollars into the Ambazonia Mission AGC account, at the BOA.
Mr. Frank Enaonyi Abange’s account has therefore recorded the following transactions:
– 28/05/2013, payment of US $ 20,000 by Augustin Tataw Enaw;
– 20/12/2013, payment of 16 500 US dollars by Jude Essaenobi.
On 20 December 2013, Jude Essaenobi also made a payment of US$ 600 to Tochukwu J. Chukwukema’s Account No. 44602498116 at the BOA.
Between 2009 and 2014, Frank ENOANYI ABANGE was cited in several denunciations in the USA in connection with fraud and purchases he made online notably: the purchase of counterfeit goods, fraudulent purchases as well as the purchase of prohibited items.
All purchases were made from his PAYPAL Account No 1598949652896144238.
The purchase amount and the PAYPAL account of the owners of the sites concerned are as follows:
- 860 US dollars, on account No. 1165122916588156071 belonging to A Wcks;
- 256 US dollars, on Accounts No. 2138772588674418517 and No. 2067583715621976276 belonging to Joe Charrette and Russell Renaud respectively;
- 500 US dollars, on account No. 142701786831032659 belonging to Cory Jorgensen;
- 3,600 US dollars, on account No 2129332302868749184 belonging to Zhu Yu Min;
- 924 US dolars, on account No 1324824407478251305 belonging to Sergie Nikolaev;
FRANK ENOANYI ABANGE(alias Frank E. ABANGE, Tamas SHIELD, Frank ABANGE, Frank E. ABANGE, Frank E. EDANGE, Abangh FRANK, ENOANYI ABANGE Frank, E. ABANGE Frank, ABANGE ENDANYI, F. EDANYI ABANGE, ABANGE FANK ENOANYI) was born on 10 March 1975; Social Security Number: 474374993, Pennsylvania Driver’s License No. 29440777; Address: 212 Barnhill Road, Pennsylvania.
He also uses the following dates of birth: 10 March 1975; 14 May 1959; 01 March 1975.
The following driving licenses are issued to him: UL 506506 (Ohio): K001134890401 (Minnesota); A152261230184 (Minnesota); E535029261184 (Minnesota).
He belongs to several organisations and companies notably:
- Agent and Member of CURANTIS HEALTHCARE SERVICES Ltd (Address: 3711 Rubythroat drive, Gahanna, Ohio 43230);
- Promoter of FABELOS IMPORTS (Address: 3908 19th Avenue Northwest, Rochester, Minnesota 55901);
- Promoter of INVISIBLESHIED (address: 400 Commons Way, Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807-2800);
- Agent of SHOPXENO LLC (address: 212 Barnill Road, Perkasie, Pennsylvia 18944);
- Promoter of TAMA’S DOGHOUSE (address: 2500 Moreland Road, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 19090);
- Agent of TAMA’S SHIELD (address: 400 Commons Way, Bridgewater, New). Jersey 088072808).
He owns the following 07 vehicles:
- Jeep Wrangler 2011 (Chassis No J4BA6H13BL623243, Minimum price: 32 745 US dollars);
- Suziki Grand Vitara 2006 (Chassis No JS3TD943464101345, Minimum price: 21 535 US dollars);
- Mercedes Benz Sedan (Chassis No WDB1260321A116638);
- BMW 318TI, 1996 (Chassis No WBACG8324TAU35037, Minimum price: 21 535 US dollars);
- Ford Contour 1995 (Chassis No 1FALP6534SK193720, Minimum price: 13 310 US dollars);
- LEXUS ES 300, 1994 (Chassis No JT8GK13TXR0038397, Minimum price: 30 600 US dollars);
- Toyota Short (Chassis No JT4RN01P8K4003311, Minimum price: 9 999 US dollars).