Festus Ndeh – A professor at Troy University Alabama, called to threaten me for Factual reporting about his involvement in the fraudulent 501(c) company called Ambazonia Foundation Inc. Ambazonia Foundation is responsible for raising funds to sponsor Terrorism in Cameroon. They are trying to affect regime change in Cameroon. is this what 501(c) Charitable foundations in America is designed to do? #OperationSunshine
Professor Festus Ndeh was the President of the Ambazonia Foundation. Please – Keep scrolling down for Evidence, of ambazonia Terrorism.. Below is the WhatsApp Audio call. Professor festus Ndeh called me, (MKPD) on 13 Nov 2019.

Below is the BEHEADING of Ayafor Florence, on VIDEO.. This is What Ambazonia Terrorism is all about. These are some of the atrocities that Ambazonia Foundation has been responsible for causing in Cameroon.

Ambazonia Foundation Certiicate of Incorporation
Below is the WhatsApp follow-up call from Festus Ndeh to me, on 14 Nov 2019

Below is the Beheading of Ayafor Florence. This is just one of Dozens of beheadings.. This is what ambazonia is all about.

Professor Festus Ndeh is one of those who castigate Cameroon for corruption, marginalisation, etc. However, when he was a young man, he attended a Government Bilingual High School (GBHS) in Ndop from around 1984-1989. He was living near Catholic Church at around NGO-Bi in Bamunka. after that, he attended Yaoundé University-2. He then was awarded an opportunity to attend the professional college Ecole Normal Superieur (ENS), which trains professional teachers in Cameroon.
Festus Ndeh took all that Cameroon had to offer him, free education etc, and fled the country. Our investigation is still ongoing, and we have good evidence that he continued to receive a salary as a teacher in Cameroon, WHILE he was abroad. So these same people who are destroying Cameroon, and blaming Cameroon government for this and that… they had the opportunity to enter the system and FIX it. Instead, they did EXACTLY what they are complaining about. They ran away from a golden opportunity to serve their country.
As our investigations continue, we will release evidence to show that Festus Ndeh was a Ghost worker who was receiving a salary in Cameroon, while working and living abroad, Which is a financial crime in Cameroon.
Cameroon made you who you are today. And what do we get as a reward? You sponsor Ambazonia Terrorism, poorly educated youths marauding the forests, calling themselves “Generals”. Cameroon trained you as a teacher, and you reward us not just by running away, but you forcefully stop the education of over 200,000 children. That is the reward we get. We say THANK YOU Professor Festus Ndeh.