MKPD> This is Eric Tataw – Also known as Garri Master > He has been asking for people’s hands to be cut off, and he insists that the instructions to “garri” comes from HIM alone..

So. To ALL of you who call yourselves Ambazonians.. Do you condone this? If not, WHY are you silent about it?
I would like to commend Tapang Ivo for talking against this practice of maiming our own people, the same people that the Amba Terrorists claim to be protecting.
For further reading on the Practice known as “Garri Process” as preached by Eric Tataw, check these links below..
Amba Boys “Garri” people at CDC (19 Feb 2019)
Eric Tataw (Garri Master) Now refusing his nick name
Amba terrorists “Garri” innocent people at CDC