Another amba boy killed in Fundong. Where is Wardraft?
This is an ambazonian fighter killed in Fundong today. He was still carying a dane gun, in June 2021. This brings the simple question..WHERE IS WARDRAFT?WHERE IS TTOF?WHERE IS DAC?WHERE…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
This is an ambazonian fighter killed in Fundong today. He was still carying a dane gun, in June 2021. This brings the simple question..WHERE IS WARDRAFT?WHERE IS TTOF?WHERE IS DAC?WHERE…
One Amba boy neutralised in #Fundong today June 09, 2021 and the corpse displayed at Fundong Square. Our amba boys are being finished. Who will replace them? Who will go…
Listen to the audio and see the video below, Capo Daniel (Ngong Emmanuel who lives in Hong Kong) explaining how two of ADF amba boys were killed in Mile 90,…
Cameroon forces have killed Two Amba boys at Tobin Kumbo. Initially, one was killed on the spot. The other was injured and later died. Meanwhile Amba “General No Pity” vows…
Two watchmen Shot Dead in Banana Farm at Likomba Tiko.. They were shot by amba boys who acused them of being “BlackLegs”. Mark Bareta can confirm their names are Lawrence…
KontriPipo Exclusive. Mark Bareta can confirm that our Amba boys have finally killed the President and Owner of Kumba-based Division 2 football club, Bau Manibok. Kombe Isreal, a businessman was…
KontriPipo ExclusiveRev father Eboka who was picked up by amba boys in Mamfe has been released after 11 days in the bush with our boys. He would not have been…
Daba Alex Millan was an amba commander from widikum Bifang. He is hiding presently in Douala and enjoying the money he stole from the RF in that community. He was…
Babila Vena – One of the very first ambaboys who is now serving prison time in LR has writen a scathing rebuke of ambazonia, denouncing ambazonia for poor leadership, lies…
This is a big blow for Ambazonia. I blame all the ambazonians in America. Since 2019, they stopped demonstrating outside the white house. Even in Europe, everyone has stopped public…