Nene Vickram is an Amba Terrorist from Small Ekombe, escaped to Dubai. #OperationSunshine
Nene Vickram is an Amba Terrorist from Small Ekombe, escaped to Dubai. He ran from amba in may 2020. He was the right hand man of “General Sam”. He is…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Nene Vickram is an Amba Terrorist from Small Ekombe, escaped to Dubai. He ran from amba in may 2020. He was the right hand man of “General Sam”. He is…
AMBA “Commander Boaster” Real Name NORBET from Bafanji, has been killed. He went to enjoy lovely time with his woman in Bamukumbit village under Balikumbat. The villagers monitored his movements…
Amba Terrorist “General A4” of 7Kata Bafut. He is one of 9 amba terrorist “commanders” captured in Bafut through some EXCELLENT intelligence gathering and EXECUTION by the BIR and DGRE.
Two amba boys killed in Oku 27 Jun 2022
Chaka Feral Che – Amba Terrorist from #Weh, Hiding in #Bafut, North West Region26 Jun 2022 #OperationSunshineThis particular terrorist is responsible for the MURDER of Mr Sally of Weh and…
The amba Corruption – Can you imagine your country where your president takes millions from special group of people, for special presidential access to information. If this was done by…
This is amba Terrorist “general Fally”, a boy from Nkambe in NW region. He came to Small Ekombe under his brother Kilo Frank. Frank himself came to Small Ekombe as…
Amba terrorist commander Eyambe Samson who was with #SNWL “general” Divine has been ARRESTED in DOUALA 10 Jun 2022, thanks to a blackleg and the #OperationSunshine we did on him…
MKPD has released three audios on WhatsApp.. These audios were recorded on 04 Jun 2022.. Kawa Yannick, and Nambere speaking. Kawa asked Nambere to apologise to the PM for the…
ANGLOPHONE COMMUNITIES CONTINUE TO RISE AGAINST AMBA TERRORISM (UPDATED)“Commander Desmond under General Toronto” captured by civilians of #Kumba and handed over to 🇨🇲 military 04 Apr 2022. “Commander Sylvester” of…