Ngong Sylas, ambazonia terrorist Fundong #OperationSunshine
Ngong Sylas is a amba terrorist in the Abuh camp. He is a native of one remote village in fundong sub division called Ajung. Reliable information says he wrote GCE…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Ngong Sylas is a amba terrorist in the Abuh camp. He is a native of one remote village in fundong sub division called Ajung. Reliable information says he wrote GCE…
That Shit-No-Wipe-Lass Ngono who was kumkumised by Animal Pikin at Ogomoko did not die alone. 🤣 The Camp of Ngono also kumkumised one #SNWL from the camp of Animal Pikin,…
Many of the killings in the Northwest region are organized by this thief, known in ambaworld as “general RK” A big Thief who used to aspire to be a movie…
#Manyu. 21 Dec 2021. “General Papi” has just concluded dialogue and negotiations with general Animal Pikin, without preconditions. General Papi prepared enough kumkum and gave to Animal pikin and 4…
At least 3 schools have been attacked this morning in Ekondo Titi with explosives and guns. An unconfirmed number of Students and teachers have been injured and some died on…
Ambazonia terrorists burn down Baligham 14 Nov 2021
ambazonia terrorist Mbashie Clement aka No Pity lost bis immediate follower last week at Akeh where the wounded terrorist was rushed for treatment affter being wounded by the #Cameroon 🇨🇲…
Look at their dane guns in Oct 2021 🤣 #ComedyTerrorism 🤣 HVRC xx ce matin vers 10h ,les éléments du 52°BIM(sous groupement Delta)ont surpris les opfor sur l’axe principal entre…
Four smelly ambazonia terrorists Kumkumised 🤣 #ComedyTerrorism 🤣 Their dead bodies are currently displayed for the public to enjoy, at Finance Junction, Bamenda right now.. Every one is very happy…
His name was Esomba. He was beheaded on 18 July 2021 in Ekondo titi beach road by Ambazonia Terrorists sponsored by Sako Ikome, AyukeTabe, Ayaba Cho Lucas, Eric Tataw, Ebenezer…