Ambazonia Kidnapping for Ransom – Explained – My Take
Yannick Sicot is a big Ambazonian, living in America, contributing money to buy guns and kill people in Cameroon. Here he’s explaining how Amba boys are kidnapping people for ransom,…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Yannick Sicot is a big Ambazonian, living in America, contributing money to buy guns and kill people in Cameroon. Here he’s explaining how Amba boys are kidnapping people for ransom,…
Ce jour 06 mai 2019, lors mission de patrouille sur axe NKAMBE-NDU-NWANTI-SABONGARI par éléments 52eme BIM, rencontres avec terroristes secessionnistes à différents endroits dont 01 km avant NWANTI, où 01…
Notorious General Noel Muhammadu was eliminated this morning in Ntamru. Ntamru is near Ndu. Details later. General Mohamadou from Ntamru Ndu neutralized this morning by local mbororo men after having…
#MKPD> Ambazonians are Disappointed with Kawa Yannick LoL – They are beginning to feel the impact of Kawa’s Sensitisation. They are trying everything to discredit Kawa, but it won’t work.…
These are some of the methods of torture by Ambazonia Terrorists.. They use HOT KNIFE 🗡.. TO burn human flesh.. These are victims who survived.. I don’t know his name,…
Representatives of Mbororo pastoralists will be meeting Michelle Bachelet to present evidence of xenophobic materials, killings, torture, kidnappings, ransom collection and cattle theft by Ambazonia militias. The meeting will take…
Who remembered this handsome young gentleman??? He was brainwashed with lies and propagandas by the ambazonian leaders abroad that; -UN is working to separate Cameroon. -UNESCO is going to give…
The Mayor of Fundong’s house is Burnt by Amba Terrorists – Video below.. This happened on 24 Apr 2019. The Amba boys looted the property before setting it ablaze.
This atrocity happened on 24 Apr 2019. The story goes that the victim, (Adam) and two of his friends drove from Douala, to Kumba, for whatever reason, and the car…
MKPD> On Thursday 18 Apr 2019, Ambazonia Terrorists shot and killed a mechanic. The incident happened just outside Pah Allo’s compound, at around 7AM. Pah Allo is the owner of…