Amba Terrorists kill a teacher in Kumba
Ambazonia Terrorists have killed Mr Fuh, a physics teacher at GBHS Kumba. He was slaughtered in front of his wife and children at his home. Name: Fuh Max Dang.Service No:…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Ambazonia Terrorists have killed Mr Fuh, a physics teacher at GBHS Kumba. He was slaughtered in front of his wife and children at his home. Name: Fuh Max Dang.Service No:…
Amba general Menti Francis burried in Etam, June 22, 2021.
Enok Etongwe aka Doctor. He is an amba #SNWL “colonel” in Dieny, SW region under terrorist AMF Reborns under “general” Ikeku Obassa (Nigerian) Spread the news everywhere especially facebook, let…
Amba “general” Lambert Ntui Assam of Manyu arrested in Nigeria (Ikom) with weapons Amba Terorist Lambert ARRESTED in NIGERIA with guns 19 June 2021. He was burnt last year June…
#MKPD – Amba vs Amba in Lebialem Feb 2019 – Amba terrorist caught and tortured by amba WhatsApp :: +447495198739 Email :: Twitter :: Web::
Chris Anu on VOA confirms that the Ambazonia “Interim Government” kidnapped the 6 anglophone divisional delegates in Ndian. One of the DD was killed on 18 June 2021. Audio from…
Former friends and allies of Ma Ngang Edith, distance themselves after she was indicted for illegally smuggling arms to Cameroon through Nigeria. Terrorism does not pay. Show me your friends,…
#MKPD. Our BlackLegism is yielding bountiful harvest. Our enemies are totally confused and going at each other’s throats now. The latest one is AGovC/ADF under Ayaba Cho Lucas declaring that..…
AMERICAN LOTTERY HAS OPENED IN DIENY Amba Terrorist shit-no-wipe-lass “general” Ikeku Obassa, a Nigerian 🇳🇬 operating in Dieny, SW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲 He made a propaganda video, we have…
12 June 2021 – New British high Commissioner visits North West Regional Assembly. The official Twitter handle said.. “Abelah Bamenda? How wuna see me inside my contri sap -‘atoghu’ Miya…