#MKPD – Latest update (Thursday 16 May 2019) Prime Minister in Kumba – Plus US sec for African Affairs DESTROY Ambazonia – Wuna Listen..

Click on the YouTube Video above and Listen.. #MashFire #Cameroon We are #WinningFatly WhatsApp: +44 749 5198 739 info@kontripipo.com

#MKPD – Watch the Video below.. Tibor Nagy DESTROYS ALL Ambazonia Hopes in just 10 seconds – Tibor is the Assistant US secretary of state for African Affairs – Tibor CLEARLY STATES IN HIS OWN WORDS that AMBAZONIA is NOT REALISTIC. He also said separation is NOT a possibility. He went further to say that the US recognises the INTEGRITY of #CAMEROON.
Ambazonia.. How market for American support? Wanderfoolish International iDiots!

Thank you - Make sure you share and educate Ma kontri pipo dem all over the world.