General Mombasa of #Kumba has been killed. He succumbed to bullet wounds from LRC. Two of his boys were captured alive.

BlackLegs reported his hideout, and the rest you can guess. Him and his boys were acused of the Kumba school killings. Video below.

General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022
General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022
Video he made – with dane guns and empty feet – So this is a “General”? God help us.
General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022
General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022 – amba general killed, population rejoices. wonders shall never end.

To make matters worse, the population gathered and were very happy – They say he was a notorious kidnapper.

General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022
General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022
General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022
General Mombassa kumkumised 23 Feb 2022
General Mombasa - Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022
General Mombasa – Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022
General Mombasa - Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022
General Mombasa – Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022
General Mombasa - Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022
General Mombasa – Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022
General Mombasa - Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022
General Mombasa – Bicen Junction Kumba, 24 Feb 2022

By Jon HuangHe

Jon is a proud Cameroonian, who has assisted MKPD on this platform since early 2019, by writing and sending for Publishing on via email. In Early 2020, MKPD decided to add him as an author on the Blog, so that he can actively write and publish on the blog. Please leave your feedback below.

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