A Public Letter too Chris Anu

For public interest, we urge Chris Anu to make a statement regarding the demise of his brother Oliver FMA of Red Dragons of Lebialem. It will not be good for the Cameroon military to publicly display the body before you make a statement.

The public deserves to hear from you Chris Anu. We know you are devastated by the news, but you must say something NOW.

I understand you are still holding up to some glimmer of hope that Oliver escaped the attack. I understand you are in grief. But you must be strong and tell the people the truth. Your brother is gone. Tell them in your own words. I can feel your DEVASTATION.

Mark Bareta
July 14th, 2022

killed with 33 export - Oliver Lekeaka film masha Lebialem
killed with 33 export – Oliver Lekeaka film masha Lebialem
Kemita Ashu - Picture of Oliver with BIR
Kemita Ashu – Picture of Oliver with BIR
BIR Picture 13 July 2022 - Oliver Lekeaka killed 30 hours earlier by Gen Efang of ADF
BIR Picture 13 July 2022 – Oliver Lekeaka killed 30 hours earlier by Gen Efang of ADF

By Jon HuangHe

Jon is a proud Cameroonian, who has assisted MKPD on this platform since early 2019, by writing and sending for Publishing on kontripipo.com via email. In Early 2020, MKPD decided to add him as an author on the Blog, so that he can actively write and publish on the blog. Please leave your feedback below.

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