Audio from the Amba fighter who kidnapped the divisional delegates
Please listen to the audio (1:05) below, the amba general called 10Kobo, speaking. He is the one holding the Divisional Delegates, for 1 billion frs CFA ransom.
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Please listen to the audio (1:05) below, the amba general called 10Kobo, speaking. He is the one holding the Divisional Delegates, for 1 billion frs CFA ransom.
Motto Charles is a dangerous Ex-amba boy who was under late general Spirito and late general Devine in Meme/Ndian. He is he one who led the way to burn down…
Ambazonia fearless Don Pasho has publicly announced that the Southern Cameroonians, Divisional delegates kidnapped in Ndian was carried out by amba fighters, for a ransom of 1 billion frs CFA.…
Today marks 1 year 5 months since Dr Awoh Emmanuel was arrested in Yaoundé. The Australia based ambazonian who was arrested at the Yaoundé Nsimalen Airport on January 17, 2020,…
Former friends and allies of Ma Ngang Edith, distance themselves after she was indicted for illegally smuggling arms to Cameroon through Nigeria. Terrorism does not pay. Show me your friends,…
#MKPD. Our BlackLegism is yielding bountiful harvest. Our enemies are totally confused and going at each other’s throats now. The latest one is AGovC/ADF under Ayaba Cho Lucas declaring that..…