Stubborn Amba boy killed like a fly. Wasted life.
Stubborn Amba boy killed today.. Don’t ask me more questions, because I don’t know more.. Very dull and stubborn children. Yeesh.
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Stubborn Amba boy killed today.. Don’t ask me more questions, because I don’t know more.. Very dull and stubborn children. Yeesh.
Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dear members of the United Nations Security Council, Mr. President of the United States, Mr. President of the Republic of France, Mr. Prime Minister… [infobox title=’AmbaBoys’]Is this how you want to end up? š¤ You want to die like a FLY?[/infobox] The featured image is “Koraman” of Bali – NW Region of Cameroon.…