WE ARE NOT IN WAR, declared Chris Anu, April 10th, 2022.
Ambazonians publicly display signs of complete Frustration – Desperate times call for desperate Means – Now Chris Anu want Devastation to draw international Attention. Swiss Dialogue has failed. AFCON took place in a place you want the World to believe it’s a warzone.
“No amount of meetings will give us our own country.”
“May of you believe we are in war. We are not in war. We are not in war. I am still waiting to see the kind of devastation seen in Ukraine happen in Victoria.”

“How can we convince anybody that there is war when there is no devastation? The structures of LRC are still standing there. The Governor’s mansions are still standing there, The DO’s, the Mayors, the SONARAs, the CDCs.”
“They are still standing there. You saw the way in Syria, and the devastation. No doubt you begin to wonder why is the international community not coming to us, why are they not talking to us? THEY HAVE NOT SEEN any devastation to prove there is war.”
“Diplomats are still leaving #Yaoundé and going to #Bamenda and Leaving Yaoundé and going to #Buea, holding conferences, and we say there is War? It is a waste of time. Let’s all put our money together and devastate those towns and cities and let the world media descend upon ambazonia and tell our story as they do in Syria, as they do in Ukraine, as they did in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.”
“Look at Victoria, I see BEAC bank standing there, it should not be there. The Governor’s mansion should not still be there. Those cities of Bamenda, Buea, #Kumba, Victoria, they should be looking like some of those cities we see in the Ukraine.”
“The international community like to see devastation. We have to bring down and pull down everything. We are tired of meetings and seminars with the Swiss HD. We want to see 1 meeting, just one meeting, tell us that you have some leverage, by putting a meeting together. If you are serious, bring LRC, show us your prowress, by bringing LRC to the table let us talk.”
“You jump here and there, holding meetings for 5 years and nothing to show for it. These so-called Swiss people just keep marking their time. It has been about three years that the Swiss HD and the Swiss government said they are coming in as mediators, and it is passed three years now, and they cannot boast of a single meeting between the two parties. All they do is have meetings, have meetings and have meetings. No amount of meetings will give us our own country.”
Chris Anu, Live on Facebook, April 10th
PS: Chris Anu’s Brother, the self styled FM of ambazonia “Red Dragons” is in Lebialem, and has not been able to remove just one DO from his office. Infact. Life has returned to normal in all of lebialem – churches, schools, markets, banks are all operating. Minister Paul Tasong was able to go and burry his mother and celebrate the death right in the village in Lebialem and the red dragons were powerless to even threaten him. What is this loud mouth talking here on facebook, blowing hot air, trying to convince people to contribute money and give him. Nonsense.
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