In total, FOUR confirmed amba Terrorists have been CONFIRMED to have been indicted in the USA, and they have already started pleading GUILTY. Tamufor St. Michal was the first to be indicted in July 2019, then Roger Akem followed in 2020. In March 2020, Roger Akem Pleaded Guilty to two counts, facing a maximum prison time of 25 years.

Walters Alambi Muma was also arrested and indicted, as well as Edith Ngang, (AKA Ma Ngang) who we will focus on today, because she has been the most vocal and public figure amogst those indicted.
Case 1:21-cr-00195-CCB Document 1 Filed 06/01/21
CRIMINAL NO. CCB 21-cr-195

1.DC Charges Terrorist EDITH NGANG
2.DC Charges Terrorist ALAMBI MUMA
3.Criminal Complaint – Tamufor Nchumuluh St. Michael
4.Affidavit in support of Criminal Complaint Tamufor
5. Tamufor – Request Sealed indictment
6. date for court hearing Tamufor st. michael
7. Entry of appearance – Lawyer
8. Order setting conditions for Release – Tamufor St. Michael
9. Tamufor Waives Preliminary hearing
10. 2020-01-19 Consent Motion to Modify Conditions of Release – Tamufor
Ambazonia Terrorist Roger Akem Plea Agreement
We once wrote about Roger Akem on

Ma Ngang herself confirms that she has been indicted in a string of panic filled WhatsApp Audios, recorded on 12 June 2021. She was Indicted on 01 June 2021, on two counts carrying up to 25 years imprisonment.. Listen below..
The United States Attorney for the District of Maryland charges:
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy)
- Beginning in or before November, 2017, and continuing until at least July 19, 2019, in the District of Maryland and elsewhere, the defendant
Video above.. After the indictment, ambazonians abandonned her to her fate.. Listen..
In the Video above Fru John Nsoh says, “You cannot violate US federal Laws in the USA and expect to get away with it.” These words will come to haunt him, becase the whole of Sako Ikome “IG” will also be indicted sooner or later.. Stay Tuned.
did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with others, known and unknown to the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland, to commit certain offenses against the United States, that is:
- to knowingly and willfully export and attempt to export from the United States to Nigeria ammunition, firearms, and various other items, which were defense articles listed on the United States Munitions List, without first obtaining the required license or written approval from the State Department, in violation of 22 U.S.C. § 2778(b)(the Arms Export Control Act (“AECA”));
- to knowingly and willfully export and attempt to export ammunition, firearms and various other items from the United States to Nigeria, in violation of 50 U.S.C. §§ 4801 et seq. (the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (“ECRA”);
- to knowingly and willfully export and attempt to export ammunition, firearms and various other items from the United States, in violation of 50 U.S.C. §§ 1701-1707 (the International Emergency Powers Act (“IEEPA”));
- to fraudulently and knowingly export or send from the United States, or attempt to export or send from the United States, any merchandise, article, or object contrary to any law or regulation of the United States,, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 554 (smuggling);
- to knowingly file and cause the filing of false electronic export information, in violation of 13 U.S.C. § 305;
- to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing and dealing in firearms without a license and in the course of such business ship, transport and receive firearms in interstate and foreign commerce, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §922(a)(1);
- to deliver to a common carrier for transport in foreign commerce items that contained firearms and ammunition without providing written notice to the carrier, in violation of
18U.S.C. §922(e), and totransportandcausetobetransportedinforeigncommercefirearmswithobliterated serial numbers, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §922(k).
Object of the Conspiracy
2.ItwastheobjectoftheconspiracythatNGANGandherco-conspiratorswould obtain defense articles, such as firearms and ammunition, and other items with military applications, such as desert boots and water packs, in the United States, conceal them in overseas shipping containers in order to secretly export the items to Nigeria without obtaining a license or disclosing the true contents of the shipments to the overseas carrier or to United States government authorities, and to evade or violate the regulations, prohibitions, and licensing requirements of the AECA, ECRA, and IEEPA.
Ma Ngang Edith in a video making Ammunition, in a factory basement in Maryland USA. Without a Licence.. This is a Crime.

Overt Acts
- In furtherance of the conspiracy and to affect the objects thereof, at least one of the co-conspirators committed and caused to be committed, in the District of Maryland and elsewhere, at least one of the following overt acts:
- On or about October 6, 2018, NGANG reloaded ammunition in the basement of a residence in Maryland.
- On or about on December 15, 2018, NGANG sent a message via What’s App, an on-line messaging application, to Co-conspirator #1 regarding the title for a 1989 Toyota truck (“the 1989 Toyota truck”) that she owned and had agreed would be used to conceal firearms, ammunition and other items in an overseas shipping container destined for Nigeria, stating “I wanted to say that the title of the truck needs to be changed out of my name before we can ship it. I have it here. Who will I transfer it to and how fast will a new one come?”
- On or about December 17, 2018, NGANG sent a series of coded messages via What’s App to Co-conspirator #1 requesting that Co-conspirator #1 pick up ammunition from a residence in Maryland. Those messages read as follows: “if you are coming back thru this route, you can pick up corn and ground;” “I left your corn with [Person #1] at home;” and “Sorry I missed your call. Call [Person #1] … if you can pick up corn and ground nuts.”
- On or about December 27, 2018, NGANG transferred the title for the 1989 Toyota truck to Co-conspirator #2.
- On or about January 8, 2019, NGANG sent a message, via What’s App, to CoConspirator #1 stating that “OUR NEW SUPPLY HAS SUCCESSFULLY ARRIVED DESTINATION SAFELY … WE ARE READY TO FUNISH [SIC] EACH COUNTY WITH
- 30AR 15 CALIBERS.”
- S.C. § 371
- 30AR 15 CALIBERS.”
- On or about January 8, 2019, NGANG sent a message, via What’s App, to CoConspirator #1 stating that “OUR NEW SUPPLY HAS SUCCESSFULLY ARRIVED DESTINATION SAFELY … WE ARE READY TO FUNISH [SIC] EACH COUNTY WITH
- On or about December 27, 2018, NGANG transferred the title for the 1989 Toyota truck to Co-conspirator #2.
The United States Attorney for the District of Maryland further charges that:
- The allegations of Count One, Paragraphs 2 and 3, are incorporated herein by reference.
- On or about January 17, 2019, in the District of Maryland and elsewhere, the defendant,

did knowingly and willfully export, cause to be exported, and attempt to export from the United States to Nigeria, certain items, that is: 39 firearms of various makes, models and calibers; 45 magazines of various makes, models and calibers; and at least 39,000 rounds of ammunition of various makes, models and calibers, which were all defense articles included on the United States Munitions List, without having first obtained from the Department of State a license or written authorization for such export.

The United States Attorney for the District of Maryland further charges that: 1.Upon conviction of the offenses set forth in Counts One and Two of this
Information, the defendant,
shall forfeit to the United States of America, pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 924(d), Title 18, United States Code, 981(a)(l), Title 22, United States Code, Section 401, Title 21, United States Code, Section 853, and Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c), any property, real or personal, which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to the offenses, or which was involved in such offenses or any property traceable to such property. The property to be forfeited includes, but is not limited to the items set forth on Exhibit 1, which is incorporated herein by reference.
- If any of the property described above ,as result of any act or omission of the defendant:
- cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence;
- has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third party;
- has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court;
- has been substantially diminished in value; or
- has been commingled with other property which cannot be divided without difficulty, the United States of America shall be entitled to forfeiture of substitute property pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p), as incorporated by Title 28, United States