06 May 2021. Amba Terrorists were trying to set up their fabricated primitive explosives in kikaikelaki kumbo, and it Backfired 🤣
Two of the shit-no-wipe-lass Kumkumised instantly 🤣 🤣
#MashFire 🔥 🇨🇲
#WinningFatly 💪🏾 🇨🇲

Destroying ambazonia terrorism
06 May 2021. Amba Terrorists were trying to set up their fabricated primitive explosives in kikaikelaki kumbo, and it Backfired 🤣
Two of the shit-no-wipe-lass Kumkumised instantly 🤣 🤣
#MashFire 🔥 🇨🇲
#WinningFatly 💪🏾 🇨🇲
Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.