In this 1964 WEST CAMEROON Calendar, The prime minister J.N Foncha wrote this public message.
[infobox title=’Prime Minister’s Message’]
“In this third year of Independence and Re-unification, we have seen peace and progress throughout the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Our progress has not been without difficulties which have been surmounted with determination and collective effort .
The Foundation of a solid future for the rich and poor based on truth, honesty and justice has been permanently laid. May I call upon all honest citizens of Cameroon to unite together in the task of Nation building and realisation of our destiny.”
J. N. Foncha
A few Questions
“Amba people” say that they had an independent country since 1961. I have a few questions..
- What was the name of your ‘independent’ country?
- What was the flag of your ‘independent’ country?
- What is the name of your First “Head of State”?
- What was your national anthem at independence?
- What countries recognised your country on the international stage?
- What countries did you have #embassies / #diplomatic relations with?
- What international organisations did your independent country join? Did you join the UN? OAU? ECOWAS? etc etc?..
- Commonsense is not common. Stop the Lies!
Dear “ambazonians”. If you had an independent country in 1961, what internationally recognised travel documents did you have? Did you have any Passport or ID Cards? What about your currency? What money did you use in your new country? Honestly, we need these amba LIARS to answer these few Questions.
As soon as you ask them these legitimate Questions, they either insult you, change the subject, or say something VAGUE, like.. “Go and read your history books”.. So here is the history.
Let’s be honest.
Southern Cameroons was given ONLY TWO Options. To gain Independence BY Joining Nigeria, or Cameroon. We would take you more seriously if you said you were trying to RESTORE The AUTONOMY of West Cameroon after 1961 plebiscite.. If you were fighting to “restor” the Fedeal System, them you would have a case. As soon as you start talking about “independence”, that is when your arguement becomes a LIE, or even COMICAL at best.
Here is more history.
Dear “ambazonians”.. You must explain to us. What was “WEST CAMEROON”? Is that the independent country you are talking about? really? Because West Cameroon was part of the Federal Republic of Cameroon from 1 Oct 1961. West Cameroon was part of ONE Cameroon.
PS: Did your “amba” history only start in 1961? Where was ambazonia or Southern cameroons in 1910? What Happened? Oh.. Is that history too plain for you to see that we have ALWAYS been ONE people that were seperated by Europeans? Is that Why you refuse to consider the history of Cameroon Prior to the British collonialists? Reality and the TRUTH is the Enemy of the Facebook republic of ambazonia.