The role of the international community in the struggle.
What is happening in Cameroon is an internal conflict, no question. This is for the Cameroon people to decide, how they want to live and what constitution they want to have in the future. There is a saying that “African problems should have African solutions”. Sometimes, I think… “What is the role of African Union and ECOWAS in the Cameroon conflict?”
Dr Christoph Hoffmann, Member of Parliament, Germany, speaking with Chris Any, Live March 3rd, 2021.
British politicians are not interested in your history or what happened in 1961. I know the British are not interested because I am British. They do not want to know because their colonial history embarrasses them. You are wasting your breath if you talk about the history of 1961. Additionally, Cameroon is one of dozens of problems on the international agenda. Politicians have a very short attention span.
Rebecca Tinsley, November 21st, 2019.
I get extremely frustrated when I hear from the Cameroonian community that they are waiting for the international community to solve the problem. And I keep telling people the brutal truth that the international community is not going to solve the problem.
Tibor Nagy, Live with Chris Anu, April 20th, 2022
The Biafran war was resolved in Nigeria because it was about Nigeria. The Cameroonian crisis should be resolved in Cameroon because it is about Cameroon.
Eric Chinje – anglophone Journalist, Live with Chris Anu.
Ambazonians. The message is clear. You are on your own. The international community has other more important things to do. We appreciate those who have been able to meet us face to face and tell us the truth both publicly and privately, and everywhere we go, we have been getting the same response. The world is just too busy to care about our plight. We are on our own.
I hope the message is clear that the international community is NOT coming to rescue us. What we were thinking in 2017 was a big mistake. We are on our own.