#OperationSunshine – General Fally of Small Ekombe
This is amba Terrorist “general Fally”, a boy from Nkambe in NW region. He came to Small Ekombe under his brother Kilo Frank. Frank himself came to Small Ekombe as…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
This is amba Terrorist “general Fally”, a boy from Nkambe in NW region. He came to Small Ekombe under his brother Kilo Frank. Frank himself came to Small Ekombe as…
Who is the producer, director and cameraman of the Nambere blackmail Nigerian film? #KBi investigates.. The Nambere attempted blackmail of the PM.. There were two people in that room.. One…
MKPD has released three audios on WhatsApp.. These audios were recorded on 04 Jun 2022.. Kawa Yannick, and Nambere speaking. Kawa asked Nambere to apologise to the PM for the…
ANGLOPHONE COMMUNITIES CONTINUE TO RISE AGAINST AMBA TERRORISM (UPDATED)“Commander Desmond under General Toronto” captured by civilians of #Kumba and handed over to 🇨🇲 military 04 Apr 2022. “Commander Sylvester” of…
To my Greatest Surprise, on Amba Alphabet Tv on 19 March 2022, ambaFools said Richard Tangu was their financial Secretary, and they have held numerous zoom meetings with him, but…
#OperationSunshie in #Lebialem. Serious sunshine.. March 2022 1) Name: Andeh Cornelius. Father’s name: Ebai Paul of late, Mother’s name: Ebai Rose she lives in Makem Quarter in Wabane. presently she…
After kumkumising “general Ebube” last week, another Special Mission by the kumkum distributors went to #Mbengwi road/Alabukam. #Kumkum was distributed to two amba terrorists and their girlfriend also swallowed kumkum…
🇨🇲 These are the anglophone “unknown gunmen” we’ve been hearing of. This is how they live in the bushes, like animals. Can you imagine someone choosing this way of life?…
Maurice Fai is a palm wine taper and supplier who use to call himself (pastor) when my cousin was kidnapped by ambazonia terrorists, it was Maurice Fai the terrorist and…
This is ambazonia terrorist #SNWL general Chimse Bernard Yong (669010655) of Mbessa in Boyo Division who is in Mbessa, Asuh, Akeh, din Noni, Ajung, Mual, Konene, etc etc. His terrorism…