Two amba terrorists kumkumised in Kumbo – With dane Guns. Where is MTTB?
MES RESPECTS MON Colonel HVRCSuite au ROHUM faisant état de la présence OPFOR sur axe Tadu – Kumbo, le secteur TADU tendu une embuscade sur le lieu du check point…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
MES RESPECTS MON Colonel HVRCSuite au ROHUM faisant état de la présence OPFOR sur axe Tadu – Kumbo, le secteur TADU tendu une embuscade sur le lieu du check point…,in%20denial%20of%20the%20accusations. Cameroon: Video Shows Killing by Armed Separatists Separatist Leaders Should Rein in Fighters; Cameroon’s Partners Should Impose Sanctions (Nairobi) – Separatist fighters publicly executed two unarmed men in Guzang, Cameroon’s North-West…
Obonyi #Manyu amba terrorist APLC Camp destroyed 6 terrorists kumkumised 12 Oct 2023. The illiterates were still using DANE Guns. Hahaha. Pictures of their Carcasses on our Website and shared…
#Kumkum is FREE. DDR is a choice, not by force. One amba terrorist kidnapper kumkumised with his dane gun in #Manyu, Eyumojock-Ekok axis. We will not appease or negotiate with…
#Bui Division. Two terrorists kumkumised, the rest ran with #kumkum inside them 😂 #ComedyTerrorism 🤣 11 October 2023 The Gallant B.I.R of #Kumbo carried out an operation in a certain…
BREAKING SWEET KUMKUM NEWS! 09 October 2023. Amba terrorist “General Dan” of Matoh, SW Region, PLUS 9 other terrorists under #SOCADEF, kumkumised by gallant Forces of Defense and Security. Where…
Breaking SWEET News. Smelly illiterate amba Terrorists who masterminded the killing of a young man in Banga Bakundu on 06 Oct 2023 have all been kumkumised by the elements of…
INTERVENTION TASK BACHUO À KENDEMMes respects mon colonel HVRC ce 06/10/23 aux environs de 17h30’ la TF de Bachuo a neutralisé 04 séparatistes dans le village KENDEM sur l’axe BACHUO-WIDIKUM.…
RADIO COMMUNIQUE – The Senior Divisional Officer for #Bui Division informs the public that following intelligence, in the night of Tuesday 3rd breaking Wednesday 4th October 2023, our valiant Forces…
Amba terrorist camp attacked, One Kumkumised, 11 victims rescued from ambazonia Terrorist Captivity. The victims had been held in squalid conditions in the forest for several months by the terrorists…