General Shao Mao and 2 others killed in Baba1 03 July 2022
BREAKING NEWS. Major General Shao Mao of Ngoketunjia has been killed in Wvem Village, Baba1, 03 July 2022. He was killed alongside 2 other amba boys, making it a total…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
BREAKING NEWS. Major General Shao Mao of Ngoketunjia has been killed in Wvem Village, Baba1, 03 July 2022. He was killed alongside 2 other amba boys, making it a total…
The #ManyuMassacre, Balin, in Akwaya, #Manyu, was burnt by these amba Boys of Manyu Unity Warriors on 26 June 2022. This is the evidence we have for you. In the…
Pictures. Two amba boys killed in Oku, 27 June 2022
Two amba boys killed in Oku 27 Jun 2022
ADF Confirms that Cameroon #BIR Attacked our Camp at Yelum, #Bui, 12 fighters Killed, Several injured. In a desperate move to raise money, the ADF has showed pictures of the…
ManyuMassacre. Over 50 villagers Balin, under #Akwaya, Manyu killed by amba boys mixed with Nigerian militants. The pictures are truly horrible. Children, women, all killed. KontriPipo Exclusive has an Eye…
General Askandaru among 9 amba boys killed in Yelum, Kumbo, Bui on 25 June 2022
Mark Bareta, Accept greetings from #Ndzevru. Since yesterday, it has not been easy for the Parish as the amba boys were ambushed by Cameroon 🇨🇲 Military at Shukov in Waikov…
Video – Seven amba boys killed in Guzang Batibo – This is the work of a blackleg who took the military and entered into the community pointing at the amba…
After a lengthy conversation with Capo Daniel and FM No Pity of ADF Unity Warriors, I was able to understand the following. General Wolf (real name Dzekashu Hans) was killed…