Bui One Amba down 17 Jan 19
MKPD > BUI ONE.. That’s what it says on his clothes. An amba boy.. Yet another one of our brainwashed brother has just lost his life.. For what? 😡 Click…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
MKPD > BUI ONE.. That’s what it says on his clothes. An amba boy.. Yet another one of our brainwashed brother has just lost his life.. For what? 😡 Click…
Ambazonia Terrorism AGAIN.. This time, they torture an OLD man in Bamenda, for the crime of having worked in the army, years ago. TERRORISM IN ACTION! Words cannot describe. So…
MKPD> Please, help us identify these suspects. They are wanted for questioning, with regards to the beheading of a man in Bamenda on 28 Dec 2018. I am sure that…
Retour au Pc du 3° Bir après une reconnaissance offensive dans la localité de ALABUKAM. *Bilan* 1- AMI : RAS 2- *ENI* – 01 camp d’assaillants détruit ; – 07…
Ekona Lelu.. 2 Amba boys killed.. 2 more wounded and fled.. CORRECTION.. It is Ekona LeLU, NOT Lulu. More deaths.. What else is new? 🤔 I’m tired.. A beg. Leave…
Information coming from ground zero indicate that 24 Amba terrorists were sent to “Buea” today 04 Jan 2019. Nineteen (19) Amba terrorists were killed in Eka, a tiny Forested village…
See pictures and video, coming in from GZ. Andek is located between Momo and Lebialem.. Apparently, 15 Amba boys were killed by the military. The Amba camp was destroyed. Happy…
Pictures just coming in.. Two (2) AmbaBoys killed in Mankon this evening Saturday 29 Dec 2018. Amba Boys.. Drop those old dane guns and save your lives. Independence is NOT…
Five (5) Ambazonian fighters, including “General” Zack, Hogan and Derrick of Mutengene were found dead in the Mobio Farms of Ombe this morning Wednesday 26 Dec 2018. These guys where…
More death and destruction. Need I say more? That’s all Amazonia is all about.. Death and destruction.