Wandasss. These Amba supporters are IDIOTS of the first order… Even the ones that claim to be educated and live abroad, these people are so Stupid. Can you imagine, they are trying to blame LRC for EVERYTHING that is going against them. When CNN, BBC, ABC, Al Jazeera, etc report news that is not favourable to them (like when Amba fools kidnappped students from PSS Nkwen), their only response is.. LRC has bribed them. LoL
So.. in their peanut brains, LRC has bribed BBC, CNN, ABC, New York Times, Sky News, and even the Pope. These fools even went to the extent of saying LRC has bribed Facebook, MTN, Orange, and THE UN.
So the next time they say that LRC has bribed someone, like one fool commented on my YouTube Channel that LRC has bribed me to do this advocacy, I just responded..
- Was it LRC that paid Ayaba to Kill Amba boys in Batibo etc?
- Was it LRC that paid the IG to embezzle MTTB money?
- Was it LRC that paid Ayaba to sell oil in London?
- Was it LRC that made Nso Foncha to STEAL money?
- Was it LRC that made Mumu Sako to be 419 FAKE pastor?
- Was it LRC that made Chris Anus to be BROKE, and relying on the revolution for bread and Sardine?
- Was it LRC that stopped people from donating to your nonsense anymore?
- Was it LRC that gives Drugs (Tramadol etc) to AmbaBoys?
- Was it LRC that made Ayaba to LIE about his qualifications?
- Was it LRC that caused the DISUNITY and infighting between the so called Amba leaders?