#MKPD> The Cameroon military is reporting that YET another Amba camp has been captured, several Amba terrorists killed, including the “General Andrew” who was specialised in kidnapping people for ranson, and Sending the money to Ebenezer Akwanga, a warlord living in the USA.

This “SOCADEF” gang belongs to Ebenezer Akwanga.

These fools think “war” is a joke?
Akwanga’s SOCADEF (Click on Image to enlarge)
It was all fun and games until bullets started flying.
Raid sur Matoh Mbonge ce 24-01-2019 Dite opĆ©ration Ć Ć©tĆ© conduite tĆ“t ce matin sur la base sĆ©cessionniste de la branche SOCADEF Ć Matoh commandĆ©e par le "GĆ©nĆ©ral Andrew" Infiltration Ć pied en aller et retour entre Ekiwilindi et Matoh, avec 03 points d'embuscade sur itinĆ©raire. BILAN Ami : Ras Opfor: - 04 combattants sĆ©cessionnistes neutralisĆ©s, dont le General Andrew. - 01 AK47 recuperĆ© - 01 boite chargeur Ak47 garnie - 01 boite chargeur Ace Galil garnie - 01 arme a pompe saisie - 04 fusils artisanaux - 02 Pistolet artisarnaux - 62 munitions 7,62x39 - 28 munitions 5,56x45 - 53 detonateurs - 08 charges explosives - MĆØche lente - 01 tenue complĆØte SOCADEF - 07 casquettes SOCADEF. ANALYSE La prise Ć partie par la sentinelle Ć l'approche du camp a empĆŖchĆ© de garder l'initiative et d'obtenir un meilleur rĆ©sultat. Mais l'intrusion dans ce dispositif Opfor qui semblait constituer un sanctuaire va participer Ć dĆ©sorganiser l'Opfor et Ć saper son moral.
I blame EVERY single sane person in Cameroon, for allowing this to happen in Camerooon. Starting with President Biya right to the idiot truck pusher.. Now we MUST act FAST to kill this monster that has been unleashed in our communities in Cameroon.

We MUST fight back, with all our might, to eradicate this cancer from Cameroon, restor peace, and begin the process of reconstruction.