The dilemma of separatists in #Cameroon. Their foundation is built on MULTIPLE LIES. It is difficult to have a single narrative when your entire premise is based on pure Lies.

Let’s start with the name. How do we call the territory? Is it NW & SW regions? Or is it West Cameroon? Or is it ambazonia or is it Southern Cameroons? The separatists themselves are confused. Some want to call it Ambazonia, but then no one has ever heard of that name on the international arena, and there is no record in history with that name. so instantaneously, it becomes a hinderance to their own agenda.
Another problem with the word “Ambazonia” is that it was coined in 1984 by Fon Fongum Gorji Dinka. So, if they claim that the territory was annexed or occupied by force since 1961, did they only realise this fact in 1984? Wonderful thing. So as you can see calling it ambazonia, gives credit to Fon Dinka, (Which is unacceptable) so many choose to want to use “Southern Cameroons” instead.
But here is ANOTHER problem. The attempt to revive the defunct Southern Cameroons, will not work once people realise there was a Northern Cameroons.. So if they call it Southern Cameroons, then the question becomes.. What happened to Northern Cameroons? And this is a Question these liars do not want to address.
Anglophones hate 11 Feb 1961 because they cannot lie about the fact that the UN supervised a plebiscite and Southern Cameroons overwhelmingly voted by 70% to Join the Republic of Cameroon. Because they cannot lie about the result of the plebiscite, they accept that we voted to join, but lie that we never joined. To further the lies, some anglophones say there was no “union treaty”.. (just like the union treaty that Northern Cameroons had when they joined Nigeria?) SHUT UP about Northern Cameroons! When you bring in Northern Cameroons, their argument falls apart, so they will do EVERYTHING to avoid mentioning Northern Cameroons.

Talking about the so-called Union Treaty, they themselves are confused. Ask them.. Who was the authority that could sign a “Union Treaty” on behalf of the people of Southern Cameroons? It is only normal to assume that they will say John Ngu Foncha because he was the Premier, the highest executive that was a Southern Cameroons representative. But because their premise is based on Lies, they themselves defeat this argument. Mola Njoh Litumbe has openly said.. “Ahidjo came to Foumban as a head of state of a sovereign state, while Foncha came as a colonial dependency of the UK, and had no powers to negotiate the future of Southern Cameroons without the concurrence of the British.” This is a direct quote from Mola Njoh Litumbe.
So, if Foncha did not have the powers to sign international treaties on behalf of the southern Cameroons, who did? The British right? THE FACT IS THAT The British signed the exchange of notes with President Ahidjo, (This is an international Treaty for those who do not know).. The treaty transferred the sovereignty of Southern Cameroons to President Ahidjo. When you show them these facts, anglophone separatists have no response except to result to what they know best.. LIE LIE LIE. Some will lie by saying.. British did not have the sovereignty of Southern Cameroons.

But let’s go back again one step. Remember I mentioned that The Premier of the Southern Cameroons, J.N Foncha became the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon on 1st Oct 1961.. If there was no union treaty, and he did not join Cameroon Republic, why did he accept to become Vice President of a country he was NOT a citizen of?
The only explanation is to assume that Foncha did not realise that he was the Vice President of Federal Cameroon. Right? OK, Believe that if you want. And those who even mention Union treaty.. What document does it say that there was a requirement for a union treaty? This is just pure fabrication, a figment of their imagination, part of the journey of lies to manipulate their people.
So faced with these FACTS, the LIES start to fall apart one by one, so they start accepting that we joined, but now they are angry that there was no third option. At least this is progress..
Now, the joining, as Foncha and Endeley themselves called it RE-UNIFICATION, these anglophone separatist Liars claim it cannot be reunification because we were never part of LRC. Now, ask them, what were the political parties in Southern Cameroons at the time of the plebiscite? Yes.. KNDP, KPP, KNC These are just three of the political parties.. Do you know what the K stand for? KAMERUN.. SHUT UP KONTRIMAN! The liars do not want you to understand that German Kamerun ever existed.. They do not want you to realise that our forefathers WANTED to recreate the defunct German Kamerun. The French spelled it Cameroun, the British called it Cameroon. It was the Germans that spelled it with a K. The Southern Cameroon politicians did not want pure independence, they wanted reunification. So the lies from the separatists fall apart. If you want to be angry that there was never a third option, feel free and be angry, blame the British, blame the UN, but please reserve most of the blame for FONCHA, MUNA, ENDELEY and co.
The 1964 WEST CAMEROON calendar that was commissioned by John Ngu Foncha, the Prime Minister of West Cameroon himself wrote this, and I quote. “In this Third Year of Independence and Re-unification, we have seen peace and progress throughout the federal republic of Cameroon. Our progress has not been without difficulties which have been surmounted with determination and collective effort. The foundation of a solid future for the rich and poor based on truth, honesty and justice has been permanently laid. May I call upon all honest citizens of Cameroon to unite together in the task of Nation building and realisation of our destiny.” J.N Foncha.

This is the SAME Foncha who in 1995, joined S.T Muna and the SCNC, went to New York and failed in their mission, so they bought a U.N Flag from a gift shop, came back and paraded the flag across the Mungo bridge and LIED to anglophones that the United Nations was coming to re-open the decolonisation file of Southern Cameroons.. The LIARS are everywhere, Foncha himself LIED, Muna LIED, they Lied lied lied and lied to their own people.
Now, Let us move forward.. When these anglophone political failures start to see that their lies are falling apart, the next lie becomes.. “Federal structure, 1972 blah blah blah, referendum had only Oui and Yes..”.. The truth is that S.T Muna was the Prime Minister of West Cameroon and Vice President of Federal Republic of Cameroon (2 Jobs for one man.. Good for him)..

Anyways.. even with those two jobs, S.T Muna went out campaigning in favour of a Unitary State. Muna was not alone. He was joined by Foncha, Professor Fonlon and ALL the political elites of West Cameroon at that time, who went out into the field, campaigning for the abolition of the federation in favour of a Unitary state. These are historical FACTS. So, if there was only one ballot paper printed with Oui and Yes, the anglophone political LIARS only realised this fact after the creation of SCNC in 1993, right? Just like how the territory was “invaded and occupied and annexed” in 1961, but the anglophones only realised it in 1993. The sad thing is that the lies are sometimes so stupid and juvenile, but they keep telling the lies because they expect their followers to be idiots. They even believe their own lies.

Moving on to 1984, the anglophone separatists LIE that President Paul Biya single handedly signed a decree to change the name of the Republic. The truth is that the name of the country is spelled out in the CONSTITUTION, including the Flag, etc are spelled out in the constitution. Do you really think that ONE person can decide one morning to change the name of the country, thereby changing ALL passports, ALL signs and signatures, ALL consular documents, ALL references with the International bodies like the UN and OAU, change stamps, and letter heads and official documents, a process that costs the government billions of Frs CFA.. This is what they want you to believe. Only the parliament can amend the constitution. The president only signs the bill into law. When you bring these FACTS and erase their lie, the next thing they say is that President Paul Biya controls the parliament, it was a One-Party system, so he had all the power.
Hang on a minute. earlier, I mentioned to you the thriving ONE KAMERUN political Parties that were in Southern Cameroons like the KNDP, KPP and KNC. What happened to them? Oh yeah. way back in 1966, the anglophone POLITICAL leaders deliberately, and willingly dissolved their political parties to form ONE PARTY SYSTEM in Cameroon under Ahidjo’s Cameroon National Union. (CNU). So when you point out this fact, they come up with another lie by saying, Ahidjo threatened them that’s why they created one party system in Cameroon. Listen. These people are not people who could be threatened. They were not threatened by Azikiwe of Nigeria, not threatened by the whole british empire. These people, Muna, Fincha and Endeley went against the British and Azikiwe TWICE. First they withdrew from Enugu house of representatives, and secondly they voted to join Cameroon instead of Nigeria, against the expressed wishes of the british. Are these the same people you think they were threatened by Ahidjo to capitulate EVERYTHING they held dear, and fall behind ONE party system in Cameroon? Stop the lies.
The 1990s brought Ni John Fru Ndi, who fought and created the SDF and introduced multiparty democracy in Cameroon. Anglophone separatists claim that Francophones hate anglophones, they complain about marginalisation. At the same time, the separatists claim that Ni John Fru Ndi won the presidential election in 1992. The official results indicated that CPDM (Biya) won 49% SDF (Fru Ndi) won 36% and UNDP (Maigari) won 19% of the vote.
However, anglophone separatists claim that Ni John Fru Ndi won the election, at the same time, claiming that the francophones hate anglophones. Remember that anglophones are only 20% of the population, so how is it possible for Ni John to win if francophones didn’t vote for him? The stupidity of the lies about francophones hating anglophones… After the ambazonia terrorists carried guns in 2017, they claimed that the cameroon government was comitting genocide (ANOTHER LIE). They Lied that Paul Biya declared war. They lied that francophones wanted to exterminate all anglophones.. 8 years later, we have had over 1 Million people displaced, and over 80% of the anglophones who were displaced, moved into the Francophone zone, becaue we anglophones NOW KNOW that francophones love us more than we love ourselves.
The people who fanned the flames of separatism, and radicalised the masses, they themselves have become VICTIMS of the ambazonia terrorism.
It is time to STOP with the Lies and tell our History Exactly as it happened, let us own our mistakes and like John Ngu Foncha said in 1964, “The foundation of a solid future for the rich and poor must be based on truth, honesty and justice”.
While anglophone continue arguing about Oui and Yes, Telling stupid lies to themselves, the Cameroon Government has been consolidating the gains made on 11 Feb and 1st Oct 1961. The Cameroon Government took Nigeria to the ICJ over the sovereignty of Bkassi Peninsula and won the case, and the Highest court in the world has declared OFFICIALLY that the sovereignty of Bakassi and former southern Cameroons, Lies with Cameroon. So while you argue and lie to your people in small Njangi Houses, convincing yourselves, the Cameroon Government is drilling oil, off the coast of Ndian. You win the argument on WhatsApp and Njangi meetings, and Yaoundé wins the argument in the international Market for petroleum products..