So on 31 Dec 2018, President Biya delivered an address to the nation, and many of us were listening attentively to hear what he will say about our Anglophone zone with Amba boys destroying everything and making like unbearable for our people.
So the president said in this next few years, he will focus on 3 key tasks, namely
Restore security,
Enhance our economic growth
Improve the living conditions of Cameroonians.
So because we need SECURITY to achieve peace and economic and social progress, Security will be his number ONE priority this year 2019.
The situation with (Boko haram) in the Far-North has been stabilized and on the eastern border with Central African Republic, the Seleka Rebels are also under control. So this means President Paul Biya can focus his attention on Amba Boys.
President Biya also went on to say..
“If my appeal to warmongers to lay down their weapons remains unheeded, the Defence and Security Forces will be instructed to neutralize them. This situation cannot be allowed to continue.”
Let me translate.. >> Drop your guns. Or Die!
That is an Ultimatum str8 from President Biya’s own Mouth.
I intend to continue the dialogue initiated with people of good-will to bring about lasting peace
Ambazonians think Biya means dialogue with them? You are mistaken. No one.. No leader in the world would dialogue with terrorists.
Right now.. We compare Amba boys to Boko Haram. We compare Amba boys to ISIS.
You behead people like ISIS, I have seen your videos, like the man that was beheaded in Bamenda just a few days ago.. And you kidnap students.. Like Boko Haram.
Ambazonia has showed us their true colours since 2016. We are now in 2019. The Violence, random killings, kidnapping for ransom, destruction, raping, etc etc .. It is too much –
President Biya is 100% right. This situation cannot be allowed to continue.
We will not romance Terrorists.
Drop your guns, or DIE!