A full Gospel pastor Mr Mbakwa Alfred has been murdered by ambazonia terrorists at cow Street neighborhood in #Bamenda. The pastor was pulled out of his residence before opening fire on him this evening of Wednesday 04 Sep 2024.

Meanwhile this car has been abandoned at mile 3 just around St Paul junction. The car has been abandoned there since 7pm with all the headlamps on. It appears that the occupants of the car have been kidnapped. We also learned that the Rev father of St Paul Catholic Church was kidnapped at the same time it is not clear if the car belongs to him or not.
Make your territory ungovernable. Well done #BamendaStruggle

Dis IDIOTS most be killed kumkum is de only solution
IGOWE thanks for ur good job we the black leg’s are behind you
IGOWE if i tell you what dis IDIOTs did to an my family weeh
I for one i can do everything possible even if i sale my soul i will do it.
So IGOWE thanks 🙏🙏 for a job well done 👍👍👍