Last night January 2nd, at around 23:41, before I went to bed, I sent out this urgent message and a call to action on our Facebook page Amba vs LRC. THOUSANDS of people saw the message within hours, and our soldiers of the counter-revolution have made me proud.
I woke up this morning with WhatsApp calls and hundreds of links and screenshots and videos and evidence and complaints about Tapang Ivo, Eric Tataw, and the terror they have been inciting in Cameroon 🇨🇲.
Below is just an example of the messages I received.

The message reads..
[03/01, 06:42] : good morning sir
[03/01, 06:43] : most of the evidences by Tapang has been deleted from the internet.. he deleted his old accounts
[03/01, 06:43] : but your videos on YouTube where tapang speaks is a 100% evidence againts him
[03/01, 06:44] : pls don’t fail to use them… send them as exhibits.. some of those videos of tapang that you have on youtube are no longer on the internet.. thats where you come in
[03/01, 06:45] : am still moving around to get some scrrenshots from his deleted accointst.. i have some but i wanna gather more and i will send to you to process
The information I have received is voluminous, concrete, damning and will take some time to filter through. It will be collated before publishing..
I want to publish professionally in a way that lays out our case against Tapang Ivo vividly.

Thank you all for every little helps!