One of my fans on WhatsApp wrote this to me.. I would like to know your opinions..
Chris Anus is the next person to be indicted for inciting terror.
His junior brother “field Marshall” Oliver Lekeaka Fomeni has taken Lebialem hostage.
He declares himself witch doctor, amba king, super hero and any living title that exist in the land. In Lebialem Oliver controls everything from market revenue, toll gates to monthly taxes.
All go to fill his pockets. While his wife and children are living freely in Yaounde oliver has impregnated 9 amba girls that he uses them according to his whims and caprices.
Oliver has raided, looted and burnt down palaces driving all Lebialem 17 Fons to flee for their dear life. Then he regards himself as a “super fon” and created his own fons in each Fondon.
Cases of killings even within his troops go unreported. Those that have not flee Lebialem are living in total fear and chaos. Chris Anus is the mastermind behind all these. He’s a shareholder in the kidnapping randsom.
Chris Anu and Field Martial are Brothers>