#OperationSunshine on AmbaTerrorists in #Ndop.
PETER BETIE is a Secondary school teacher who is notorious on Facebook as an anti-Cameroonian and supporting Amba #SNWL. Peter’s brother is an #ambaTerrorist #SNWL called Mr Young Chief, (Fonbah Dieudonne) who is hiding in #Douala as we speak.

Peter is a teacher with matricule number M-009928 (Please verify).. He is also collected a salary without working. The DO of his area should be seriously questioned.. Why does the DO continue to sign Peter’s “Resumption of dury”, meanwhile the nkunyam is in Yaoundé, inciting Terorism. Is his local DO also enjoying some of the salary? The DO needs to answer.. 🤔
His salary needs to be frozen ASAP. He is wanted for questioning regarding inciting and radicalising Anglophone youths.
#MashFire 🔥 🇨🇲
#WinningFatly 💪🏾 🇨🇲
#MKPD 🇨🇲