Tatah Mentan – The heartless monster who brought ambazonia terrorism to Oku subdivision. He was a lecturer in University of Yaoundé 1. He bought guns in 2018, gave it to illiterate idle youths in Oku, made his nephews generals while his own sons were in Yaoundé.

He fled to USA in 2018 when government started looking for him. The 2 nephews (General Denis and General Njaka) who were twins have all been killed. This devil called Tatah Mentan is the one who destroyed Oku. He will die and be buried in a foreign land.
Those two nephews were: “general” Denis and General Njaka, both already removed from the game since. They both were part of the terror gang under so-called general Bush Rambo in Oku.

Dennis and Njaka later left Bush Rambo and created separate camps to control the money they collected from Kidnapping anglophones for ransom. They called their camp Special force.

Dennis worked as commander while Njaka installed himself as general. That’s when Amba vs Amba started in Oku, since 2018. Bush Rambo’s camp suspected that Denis and Njaka collected the sum of 15 million Frs from Former PM Yang Philimon and Governor Fai Yengo Francis to neutralize all Amba terrorists in Oku – A series of amba vs amba friendly matches helped us to kumkumise some of the illiterate shit-no-wipe-lass.

“General” Denis was the one who would hide Mbashie Clement (No Pity) in Tadu and Oku whenever the military flushed out No Pity from Ndop and Kumbo. No Pity used to carry Denis’ boys and put to the front to be killed while his own Bambalang (Ndop) boys would run away from the shootings.

SNWL “Commander” Bado
His tel number is 653161010. SNWL commander Bado, under SNWL “general Robosko” in Menchum, village Koshing.
He is very hungry for Kumkum. He is in possession of over 40 million Frs CFA from Kidnapping for ransom Business in Oku,
Above the law Mission commander under Robosko
SNWL “General Robosko” and Bullet, amba terrorists