Oku, 07 Aug 2022 Morning.
FM No Pity was planning to attack Oku today. He sent an advance team of 2 amba boys ahead to spy and send them information.
1 has been killed. The military in Oku are seriously waiting for No Pity and his boys.
@KontriPipo Exclusive

UPDATED 09 AUgust 2022.
No Pity (Mbashie Clement) met his Waterloo in #Oku, 07 Aug 2022. At least 10 of his fighters killed, several injured. No Pity was seriously wounded (gunshot) in the leg.
In the morning of Sun 07 Aug 2022, No Pity Attacked the Gendarmarie Brigade in Oku, not knowing that blacklegs had monitored his movements and reported to the gendarms and the gendarmes laid ambush, waiting for them.
In the gunfight that ensued, we immediately counted two amba boys that were killed (Pictures on www.kontripipo.com) and one was captured alive. A few hours later, three more were killed as they made their retreat from Oku, making a total of six confirmed amba fatalities on Sunday 07 Aug 2022.
Today 08/08/22, Villagers found TWO dead ambaBoys from the bush in Oku, simultaneously, two additional ambaBoys (belonging to No Pity) died at the Djottin Health Center.

LRC has also been informed by Blacklegs about where No Pity is hiding, and the staff of Mbingo Hospital that are hiding him and treating him. This is a warning for those involved. Some Names have been mentioned, and I will not public them here. A warrant of arrests have been issued to individuals for keeping the injured No Pity.
The Military in this region have made it a point to target all those individuals and medical facilities that produce aid and comfort to the amba boys.
KontriPipo Exclusive